Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 7...Success!

In a rush to get to bed so I can get up and go to WW for my first WI since I decided to get serious again.

Today's eats were good...lots of fruits and veggies and I only used 31pp of my 34pp.

I earned 3pp for activity with my ActiveLink.  I was almost to 100% by 8:45pm...I made 10 trips from the living room to the closet hanging my clothes one by one...still wasn't to 100%, so I did 5 minutes straight of Kettlebell me to excited...

Back tomorrow with Day 8 and weigh in results.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 6...

My daughter woke up with a cold this morning so I kept her home from school.  She is in 3rd grade and I know there are too many kids that get sent to school when they are goods because their cooties spread super fast.  She was feeling much better this evening, and I am hoping after a good night's rest, she is feeling well enough to go to school tomorrow...we'll see.  I went to her Back to School Night...I really like her teacher and can hardly wait to start volunteering in her class. 

Since my daugther was sick, I spent most of the day taking care of her and also some time hanging out, and watching Lifetime movies, with my mom while my daughter took a nap.

Eats were good today, activity...not so much.  Today was my first ActiveLink day since I completed the assessment yesterday.  I am bummed I only earned 1 activity pp and only made it to 84% of my daily goal.  My goals for tomorrow are to have another successful eating day and to reach 100% on my ActiveLink.

One more day until weigh in...woo hoo!  Week 1...almost complete!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 5...Not so bueno...

I do not like heat inside or was smokin' hot...well over 100 and it was already 90 by 10am.

I had about 30 minutes this morning to work on more pillowcases then I was off to take my mom to her exercise class.  Since my foot still hurts, I sat in the car and read a magazine...something I rarely take the time to do.

We got home, I made lunch...turkey / avocado sandwhiches and soup.  Then I watched the movie New Years was similar to Valentines Day...I loved them both. 

After the movie I picked my daugther up from school, we went to Sam's Club, picked up my son, and were back home around 3:30pm.  My daughter and I worked on her homework and then the dinner chaos began. 

There are 6 of us...myself, my parents, my kids, and my husband.  My kids, mom, and I are pretty easy, my husband is almost easy, and my dad is the total opposite of easy.  If it were just my dad or my husband, cooking would be alot easier, but since they are both is not.  I planned on making something that everyone would eat, but once I started cooking it I realized there wasn't enough for everyone.  I finished it up so my husband could eat it for dinner and lunch and then attempted to make something else for everyone else.  I was so hot and frustrated, but I finally got everything done.  I ended up eating the rest of my weeklies and 5pp on top of that.  In mid-bite, I stopped myself and asked "Why am I doing this?" answer..."Because I was hot, tired, and frustrated, NOT because I was still hungry".  I threw that bite in the trash along with the rest of the food I had planned to eat.

Was today the best day? No.  Did I stop myself shortly after I lost control? Yes.

I have to remember I have had the bad eating habits that I do for the majority of my life.  It will take time to change those habits, but I know I will do it.  Just as my life has not taken a straight path, neither will my weight loss journey.  The quicker I am able to get back on track, the quicker I will reach my goal. 

Did I fall off the WW wagon today?  Nope.  I simply sat too close to the edge and let my feet dangle.  When I stopped eating, I replanted myself firmly right back on that wagon.

Day 6 - I am ready...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 4...

Today went by pretty fast.  My foot is still not good, so after I dropped the kids off at school I decided to get crafty and make some pillow cases.  I got them started but then it was time to go.  I took my mom to the chiropractor.  While she was there I walked around Wal-Mart for an hour and then ran in the grocery store real quick.  We came home and I made lunch.  5pp grilled cheese and tomato sandwhiches and creamy veggies soup thast I counted as 2pp.  To make it creamy I added 2 small potatoes rather than cream, milk, or was so good and made about 6 servings.

Dinner was good tonight too...I made a Jenny O Turkey breast in the crock pot.  It was the best turkey I have ever cooked...probably because you literally take it out of the freezer and the bag it comes in, make a few cuts in the inner bag, and pop it in the crock pot...yum!

I am happy with my eats today, and thankful I was able to get in a bit of activity.  Another successful day...can hardly wait for weigh in...3 more days to go!

Onto Day 5...

Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 3...So Far, So Good...

Last night I went to bed reletively early, so this morning I woke up refreshed and ready to go.  I took a shower, put on my gym clothes, made breakfast and the kids lunches, and even put on my gym shoes intending to go for a walk.  When I first put on my shoe, it hurt, but I figured I could manage.  On the way to taking my kids to school, my toes started to hurt in addition the original injured area.  I decided I better take of my shoes and give it some more time so I don't do any more damage.  I was frustrated as it seems like it has been forever since I have gotten in some good cardio.  I did use my hand weights for a bit this morning and walked around Wal-Mart for an hour while my mom was at the gym.  When I wear my sandals, or am barefoot, my foot does not hurt but I can't get in a super good walk in my sandals.  I will just continue to move as much as I can, and if it is not better by next week I will bite the bullet and spend $ 50 for a trip to Urgent Care.  We have health insurance, and I am thankful for it, but our copays and our monthly premium are super high.

Today's eats were pretty good...I could have had more veggies, but I just wasn't in the mood.  My mom and I went out to lunch.  We had not planned it, so I am super happy with my choices.  We shared a grilled chicken sandwhich on a wheat bun with pickles, onions, lettuce, tomato, and no mayo.  We shared an order of fries.  I also had iced tea and s small lowfat ice cream cone.  I was able to find the nutirtional info for everything but the cone, so I counted it as 1pp more than a McD cone, even though it was smaller.  My 1/2 sandwhich and fries were each 5pp, so for 15pp I had a super good "fast-food" type of lunch.  I could have done without the ice cream and saved myself 5pp, but I really wanted it and it was worth the pp.  I am trying to focus on eating things I really like and want, just in smaller portions and less often.  If I don't like something, I will not waste my pp by eating it just because it is there.  That mindset is what helped me lose 83 pounds last year...and is what is going to help me get to goal by the end of next year.

I still have 12 weeklies left.  I have always used them all since my very first week at WW so I am going to continue to use them each week if I need them.  Last week I had thoughts of not using them at all, but then I quickly decided they are a huge part of the flexibilty I love about WW.  If at some point I am doing everything right and the scale is not moving, I may use less of them to see if that makes a difference, until them I will carry on as usual.

Even though I wasn't able to exercise as I would have liked, I am still going to consider today as on program and a success!

Onto Day 4...

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 2...

Today was a pretty good day considering plans changed about 10 times.  I finally finished my scrabook for our wedding photos...2 months shy of our 9th wedding anniversary, but nontheless FINISHED!

I got up early to ride my bike with my daughter, but when she woke up she didn't want to go.  Instead of just going myself, I changed my clothes and carried on with my day.  I regret not going, but I can't change that decision not to worry.

With all of the changing of plans I had a bit of an eaty day, but I tracked everything and still have plenty of weeklies left.

Tomorrow's plan is to either go for a 3-mile walk or take spin at the gym right after I take the kids to school.  I'm hoping my shoe doesn't hurt my foot when I put it on in the morning.

I had pre-planned tomorrow night's dinner, and even went as far as to track it.  Shortly after I was asked to make something else because we were given some homegrown tomatoes that need to be used up.  I don't mind meal requests, and fresh produce is always welcome, but the constant changing of minds and plans make me nuts!  Sometimes I feel like when I am at home I am in the car and peope are constantly telling me which exit...just as I have passed it by...  I just have to remember to be thankful for everyone and everything in my life and carry on!

On to Day 3...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Fresh Start...

The summer was quite chaotic as my mom was in a minor car accident, and we had to make the difficult decision of her no longer driving.  It has been challenging to drive her around 6-7 days a week, but I think now that summer is over and school has started, we should be able to get a good routine going.  I had been struggling with WW on and off since my dad's stroke in January.  I think too many changes came too fast and I couldn't keep myself on my to do list. 

I quit WW, actually cancelled my membership, about 3 weeks ago.  I did not track or exercise much because of a foot injury.  I could have made better choices during that time but they could have also been much worse.  Last week I decided to rejoin.  I decided it was time to focus on myself and my weight loss journey.  I went and bought an ActiveLink and I am currently on Day 5 of my 8 Day Assessment.  Today was my first weigh in since my last meeting...about 3 or 4 weeks ago.  I was up 5.4 pounds.  Considering I have gained that much in 1 week a few times, I was happy with that number.  I considered resetting my start weight to 0, but was quickly told not to by staff and members.  Instead the receptionist who weighed me in whited out the 5.4 gain and gave me a new weigh book.  Therefore I am starting this part of my journey with a 62 pound loss...21 pounds heavier than my lowest in December...but still very far from where I started in February of last year!

Day 1 was a success.  I went to a great meeting and caught up with my WW buddies.  I got in some good activity playing with my daughter, and I only used 7 of my weeklies.  I wanted to eat so many times throughout the day, but found other things to do instead.  I know I can do this...I WILL do this!

My main focus will be to take it one day at a time, meet all of my healthy guidelines each day, and stay within my daily / weekly allowances.

I would like to lose 38 pounds by my December 29th WW meeting...this would bring me to "Onederland" and a total loss of 100 pounds.  I have 18 weigh ins from now until then...if I can lose an average of 2 pounds a week, I might just make it!  Once I reach that milestone, then I will have about 50 pounds left between me and goal...I can't even imagine, but I know I will make it!