Thursday, December 15, 2011

Another long day...

I wonder if I will ever have a day of nothing...I think I hope I don't because if I have so many busy days that means I have people who need me, money to spend, a car that runs, a body that keeps up with my madness, a gym membership at a gym I love, and so much more than many others have, especially during these tough times.

Yesterday started with a drive to a WW buddy's house where I spent over 2 hours going through bags, and bags, and more bags of beautiful clothes that she had "shrunk" out of.  I do not think I have seen so many clothes in all my life outside of a store.  I am sure I must have burnt some calories trying things on, unpacking and packing the bags, and lugging them around.  On my way there I was thinking that I would not fit into any of the clothes, and I was surprised to fit in many of the shirts, jackets, and dresses...not squeeze into them, but actually fit into them!  Looking in a different mirror and trying different styles of clothes really made me see the difference from 80 pounds ago to now.  Some days it is really hard for me to see the difference because I am more focused on how far I still have to go rather then how far I have come.  It is so important to look back and see where you start a journey such as weight loss.  Today I looked at my drivers license picture, and I hardly recognize myself...After my fashion session I headed off to finish Christmas shopping, lunch, home to make dinner, to my daughter's school for family fun night, back home to cook dinner for my hubby, and finally to bed.  

Today I checked almost everything off of today's to do list including a Miami Mama workout with a sub, laundry, got my nails done, went to the post office, Kohl's, Sam's Club, Wal-Mart, Staples, 2 restaurants for Christmas gift cards, and lunch at El Pollo Loco.  I think there should be an activity points plus calculating method to figure getting in and out of the car fifty times a day!  In the midst of the madness I took also took my kids to school and picked them up...I CANNOT believe how crazy some of the parent drivers are, especially near the school, I just want to wring their one's time is worth another person's life!!!

Tomorrow's list is just as long as today's was.  I am going to start the day with Zumba...and get as much done as I possibly can...I only have a few more days before my 2 week break from school (the first one since last December!)  I hope to have at least one or two days of no errands and no chores...we'll see!

I have been getting some form of physical activity in everyday.  I am still eating well, but I have given myself a few extra pp each day above my dailies and weeklies.  I was originally going to be super strict through the holidays, but then decided that the holidays only come once a year and as long as I am aware of what (and how much) I am eating, I should be able to enjoy some treats within reason and be ok.  There are only a few short weeks until the holidays are over and a brand new, fresh year is here!!!

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