Friday, April 13, 2012

40 Day Challenge...lasted on a few days...

So the moment I decided to get serious and created a plan, plans changed and flew right out the window!  Last week was Spring Break for both of my kids.  My niece, nephew, and their room mate made a last minute trip to visit us from Utah at the beginning of the week.  They called to ask if they could come and showed up 12 hours later in the middle of the night.  I cooked, we ate, we crafted, played ping pong, made quilts, and had a great time.  They were here for only 1 1/2 days...not nearly long enough, but we definitely made the best of that short time!  Thursday of last week was my daughter's birthday.  We went to lunch and had a nice day which ended with track practice, 51 mini cupcakes, and the Happy Birthday song in the middle of the track.  The next day was weigh in, but I opted to take the day off from WW, since I had pretty much taken the week off anyway.  The weekend was busy with a track meet, hours of volunteering, and getting the kids ready to go back to school.

This week I was not feeling well and the only exercise I got was a 93 minute walk at my daughter's track practice last night.  I felt so good during and after...I have decided my body really LOVES exercise!  This week I tracked half-heartedly.  There is no track meet tomorrow so I did not go to WW this morning and will go tomorrow instead.  I am so excited to see all of my WW peeps!  I love our leader who also leads my new group, but being with the same group for over a year has made the change to a new group hard.  Once my daughter is done with track for the season, I will be back to my regular meetings for sure!

I know I will be up tomorrow from my last weigh in a few weeks ago.  If I had gone last week, this week would show a loss for sure.  It will all even out and I will get that scale going down.  I know tomorrow is going to give me a push start in the right direction...even though I still keep in touch with my regular meeting peeps on is just not the same not going to the same meeting.  They are fun, lively, loud, and rowdy, and I love them all!!

Since my daily routine seems to change on a consistent basis, it has been hard to get into a good groove.  I will continue to do my best with whatever changes and obstacles come my way, but really need to focus on not letting myself fall of my to do list!  I also need to make posting a priority...even if no one else ever reads my blog...I want to have something I can look back on.  I have come so far, and it is far too easy to focus on how far I still have to go rather then remember where I started from.

I'll be back tomorrow with my weigh in...

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