Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 61...So far, so good...

Today started off with a 3 mile walk.  When I got home it was time to take my mom to her exercise class.  While she was there I went to a few stores and took a good walk between two of them.  By the time we got home it was time for lunch.  I made a small sandwich to share with my mom as well as a can of soup that I added sauteed carrots, zucchini, and some leftover peas to.  I finished off lunch with a yogurt and a mini bag of pretzels.

After lunch I went to my daughter's school to help her teacher.  Once school was out we were off to find some make up brushes for my daugter's Halloween face paint.  We picked up my son, had a snack, did some homework, and now we are going to help my hubby put up Halloween decoratons outside.

I have already earned 7pp fot the day and still have plenty to do before bed.  I have done well with my eats and gotten in plenty of fruits and veggies.  I have dinner pp planned out and should be fine.

Day 61...Success!

Onto Day 62...


  1. I love reading your posts, thanks for the inspiration to keep going no matter what is going on in life.

    1. Makes me happy that someone enjoys my ramblings. This year has not been as successful as last year for weight loss, but I am not giving up. My home life will continue to get worse before it gets better so I have to just do my best to do my best and get through it. Best hopes for a great day!
