Yesterday was very long. My daughter and I took my mom's friend to the doctor...we got there super early and ended up walking in circles between two buildings to try and get her a flu shot because her doctor was at lunch...when finally got where we needed to be, we found out the flu shot givers were at lunch as well. The entire ordeal took us a few hours, including her actual appointment, a trip to the pharmacy, and the flu shot. By the time we were done and dropped her off, my daughter and I were beyond ready for this time it was already 3pm! We had packed some fruit for snacks, but I didn't plan on being there that long. We found a Hometown Buffet...the one close by us closed. I had one of the best salads ever...probably tasted so good because I was so hungry. I also had some good protein, about 2 tbs of mac and cheese, 1 bite of stuffing with gravy, and some no sugar added fat free yogurt for dessert with a bit of choc cake and peach cobbler. I waited in between courses and left not feeling stuffed...success! I had not eaten to much early in the day...that probably helped.
I fancied up a package of potato soup by adding some cooked diced potatoes, freshly grated cheddar cheese, chopped green onions, and lower fat bacon. My daughter and I each had just a small bowl and everyone else liked it too. My husband ate hot dogs and all was well.
This morning I had planned to go for a walk, but my son wasn't feeling well enough to go to school. He started feeling cold like symptoms yesterday and was worse today. He slept alot and I rented some movies...he is feeling better but still not 100%. Since he is 16 and doesn't often hang out with mom to watch TV, I opted to do so. In between movies, I took my mom to the gym to go swimming, ran into Wal-Mart for movies and Gaterade, picked my daughter up from school, and took my mom to the doctor. Once I finish this post I am off to help my daughter finish up her homework and watch the rest of a show with her. My hubby and son are watching a movie together...rare...but good!
My activity was not fabulous today...if I would have taken my walk I am sure I would already be to 100%. However...I didn't so I am only to 69% and have earned 2pp. The night is not yet over, so I will be able to earn a bit more. My eats were kind of all over the place today...good moments and some not so good moments. I have got to figure how to handle "change in plans" better as the days when plans change I tend to eat kind of willy nilly...and there are many days that plans change! I would love to have some sort of schedule, but with my parents' appointments and being the only driver, and shopper, for my parents and kids it is hard to set anything in stone.
Tomorrow we are having a serviceman come and reinstall our soft water tanks. He should be here between 8am and 12pm. I am hoping he comes, and finishes, before it gets to hot so I can take a walk. My mom gets frazzled when people come or call so I need to be home to take care of it.
I will do my best to move as much as possible and eat well tomorrow. I only have 3 more days until weigh in and I want to break the pattern of the scale going down one week and up the next.
Days 150 & 151...+/-
Onto Day 152...
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