This week was a bit off. I tracked half-heartedly and then stopped by Wednesday. My eats were not totally out of control or totally on track and I was super tired and worried about my GI Procedure.
I did walk every night at my daughter's track practice...M ~ Th. I also went to Zumba on Wednesday after a 30 minute walk first thing in the morning. Tuesday and Thursday I took the mornings off from exercise. Friday I did not exercise at all and only wore my ActiveLink for a short time. I was nervous about the GI test and not able to eat or drink after midnight. We got to the doctor's office at noon and we got home around 2pm. It thought it would take longer and it wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be...I didn't even get nauseous or throw up from the medicine...1st time ever and so thankful! I had some crackers and regular Coke in the afternoon...I think it might have helped!
I ordered pizza to be delivered for dinner...the price of delivery pizza kills me, but I was supposed to rest and not drive so that is what we had. I ate a few pieces of boneless honey bbq wings...they were super tasty! I also had a few slices of super thin crust Hawaiian pizza.
This morning I weighed the same as yesterday so I know my eats were not too bad last night in spite of the crackers, Coke, and chicken.
I did not sleep well last night but did get up this morning to go to WW. I got there, weighed in, walked a quick mile, and made it back for the meeting. I was down 1.8! I am so excited because I know that it was deserved and not just because of yesterday's procedure and eating schedule. I earned 57 activity pp for the week and I know I would have lost more if my eats would have been better. I am still not looking for perfection, just progress! This is my journey and it might take me longer than many to reach my goal, but sitting back and really looking at my living situation, responsibilities, and lack of "me" time, I think I am doing ok.
I am off with my daughter to do a little grocery shopping and get some socks for track. I am already feeling a bit frustrated this morning so I think getting out of the house for a bit will do me some good!
Onto make Day 43 a good one!
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