Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 15...Another good day!

Everyone is snoring, except my 16 year old son who is still playing video games with his friends. The dishes are done, the house is picked, only one load of laundry left, my desk is almost cleaned off, my daughter finished her book report, and I feel like I have checked a bazillion things off of my to do list!  Tomorrow my hubby and I are supposed to go to lunch or dinner to celebrate Valentine’s Day…his idea!  Not sure where we will go or what we will do, but if my daughter is still not feeling better I will stay home with her.
My dad’s birthday dinner and homemade no bake cheese cake turned out well.  I got in plenty of water, veggies, fruit, and good protein in today.  I used 12 of my weeklies and I am happy with all of my choices!  After cooking dinner I had 6 activity pp, the last time I checked I was to 8…earned 2 just by walking around the house picking up and going from room to room…woo hoo!

Today was successful and I know tomorrow will be too!  I am taking tomorrow as a rest day from exercise…if I make it to 100% so be it, if not, not to worry!  I am not too worried about what to eat when we go out tomorrow, I know I can make good, delicious, choices and I will track it all!


Day 14…Success!


Onto Day 15…


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