As of today, I have been a Weight Watcher for 248 days. I have been thinking about starting a blog for the past few months, and I have finally made the time to do it! I can hardly believe I have lost 75 pounds. The journey has not been easy, but I must say I really LOVE the new Weight Watcher's PointsPlus program. I do not feel like I am on a diet. I do feel like I am making some really positive changes, getting stronger, and getting healthier. When I stop and think about how many months I have been doing the program, I cannot believe how fast the time has gone, and how much my body has changed. I track EVERYTHING I eat and all of my activity. I have only missed 3 days of tracking since I started in February, and those missed days were intentional as I was in Las Vegas with my husband celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary. Before we left I decided I was going to leave my tracker at home, make good choices, enjoy some yum, and walk as much as possible. I managed to achieve all of those things and lose a pound to boot!
Yesterday started with a 60 minute spin class and ended with a hilly trick-or-treat walk and a few pieces of Halloween candy. Today started with a step-weight class and ended with a donation of Halloween candy. I took my daughter and a friend to a local dentist office to donate candy for the troops. We wrote notes of appreciation and took a few photos. My camera got lost at my daughter's Harvest Festival last week, so there will be photos on my blog, I am just not sure when. I plan to share struggles, successes, recipes, and more. Please note that all Weight Watcher PointsPlus values that may be posted on this blog are based on my calculations and may differ from actual values...Welcome to my journey...
You keep us motivated, Very proud of you Becky..