Tuesday, November 29, 2011

One step at a time...

Yesterday I went to the doctor for a physical...hadn't been since 2008...eeek!  All of my numbers were good, even the ones that were really bad before.  I decided not to rush myself and try to go to the gym for a partial class before my appointment.  I always try to fit too much into one day and usually end up burning myself out.

After the doctor I decided to go shopping.  I walked from store to store to lunch for a total of 1.3 miles...in my sandals, probably not the best idea, but I still got some activity in.  I used to think that exercise only counted if you were at the gym for hours and hours, but now I realize that every single extra step counts and they all add up over time.  I stopped at Chili's for lunch and had a small salad with a chicken breast and honey mustard dressing.  It was really good and filling, but not too filling.  After lunch I walked back to my car, did some grocery shopping, picked up my daughter, came home to work on my school and make dinner.  We don't have a very exciting life, but we definitely have a busy one...I can hardly imagine going back to work, but once I finish school, that is the plan.  I really love being home full time, maybe someday it will be my reality.

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