Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 15...Weigh In...

This week I struggled a bit, but also had many non-scale victories!  Many times I wanted to eat and didn't, a few times I made a not-so healthy choice healthier, I drank alot of water (instead of Coke Zero), I got in quite a bit of activity even though I still have to be careful of my foot and wrist, and I spent alot of time thinking before I ate, which made several of my choices much better than they might have been, and most importantly, I did not give up!

The result...Down 1.8 for a total of 6.4 since going back to WW 2 weeks again and 55.5 pounds total since starting my WLJ.

Last night I was dreaming of Pizza Hut Pizza, while I was still awake.  I decided since I wanted the night off from cooking today and my mom would not be home, we are going to have pizza.  My daughter's friend is spending the night and I wanted something easy.  I decided to invite my friend and her son's as well...the older some is bringing a few friends.  I know I will be so busy taking care of everyone that I will not have time to think about eating too much.  They all know I do WW and I don't mind bringing my scale and tracker out...they are part of me and a major part of my success!

I am going to order the new flatbread pizza, and a variety of "regular" crust pizzas.  If I decide I want some of the regular pizza, I will cut the slices small and stop to think if I still want / need more. I am also going to put out some fresh fruit and make a "salad bar" to go with this morning's WW meeting topic.  Dessert will be either ice cream, Otter Pops, or Popsicles...all reasonble pp options ranging from 1-5pp.

My first thought was not to track and just eat like I wanted to and start my WW week tomorrow.  I thought some more and decided that is when I get myself into trouble.  Even on days that I go over my dailies and weeklies, as long as I track all of the nonsense, I am always able to get right back on track the next day.  On days that I don't track, I tend to continue down that path.

I really do not want to gain this week, and I REALLY want to I have decided that I will track 100% and if I use more weeklies than I plan, so be it.  I will be aware of how many pp I am eating and count them as I go rather waiting until I have gone to far!

Feeling good...whoop whoop!

Onto some fun with friends, good eats, and swimming!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 11...

I did well over the weekend, drinking water, tracking, and eating.  We went to the movies and I shared nachos with my daughter and bought a huge bottle of water...not even one buttery piece of popcorn...success!  Dinner was a bit of a different story.  We went to a Mexican restaurant and it was late...around 8pm...yes, late for us!  I wasn't going to eat any chips, but I was super hungry.  I did count and track them though!  I had a bowl of Chicken Tortilla soup which turned out to be a bowl of broth, a few pieces of chicken (I gave most of them to my daughter), a bit of cheese, a and few pieces of avocado.  I was disappointed there were no veggies in it.  I order chicken flautas as an appetizer with a side of red enchilada sauce.  The sauce was not good at almost tasted like Mole sauce which I do not care for.  I only ate two of the 4 pieces.  I had about 2 spoons each of my hubby's beans and rice and 1 triangle of my daughter's quesadilla.  I spent more pp than I had planned, but I had my weeklies, so I was good.  The service was horrible and there were only 5 tables filled in the whole place!  The prices are a bit high and the food was not as good as it used to be.  We will not being going back, and I wonder how much longer they will stay in business.  It makes me a bit sad because it has been here forever and used to be really good...and crowded!

Yesterday was kind of a strange day.  I took my 30 minute walk, but it was not pleasant because it was muggy and humid.  I came home wanting to eat.  I had a small snack, and then another.  We took my mom to the chiropractor and when we got home I had to leave again to pick my son up from school.  I did not really have a plan for lunch...BAD idea!  I ate this and that...and some more of this and some more of that.  I tracked it all, but just couldn't seem to feel satisfied.  By dinner I wasn't super hungry so I ate very little.  By the time dinner was done and I had picked up a bit, I was hungry again.  I had another piece of chicken.  When I got back around 8:30pm from picking my son up at school, I made my hubby's dinner.  I had a few more bites of chicken and almost had some ice cream, but then decided I didn't want it.  I used 19pp over my dailies and weeklies.  The day was very similar to last Tuesday?!?!?

Today I am feeling much better and have a plan for lunch and dinner.  I did not walk this morning because it was still humid and I wanted to get the pool shocked early so the kids and I can swim after lunch.  My son's night class instructor has a conference to go to so he does not have class tonight or tomorrow...woo hoo!!!  Many hours of traveling across town saved and 120 less miles to drive...woo hoo!

Off to take my mom to the gym to swim...the pool is still a bit chilly for her, but the solar cover I ordered should come this week.

Onto making Day 11 a good one!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 8...Weigh in...

Last night we had a last minute BBQ with a friend we met at track with my daughter and our neighbors.  My friend's sons are 11 years and 9 months old.  They are great boys and we were so glad to see them! 

I decided not to let anyone bring food since this morning was weigh in and I wanted to stick to my plan and not have any tempting nonsense.

I BBQ'd lean burgers, hot dogs, and hot links.  I also bought small bags of baked chips and put out small tortilla chips...uniform in size, easy to count out for a serving, and very pp friendly.

I also cut up fruit and veggies and bought mini ice cream drumsticks...only 3pp!

We had some fruit, veggies, and chips while we waited for my hubby to come home from work.  For dinner I ate 1 hamburger with cheese, onions, lettuce, and bun.  I also had 1/2 of a bagel and 1/4 of a hot link.  For dessert...1 drumstick...tiny, but is enough.

Between snacks and dinner, I tracked 100% and only used 15pp.  I actually ended the day with a few unused pp, but was to tired and not hungry so I didn't eat them.  I made sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day as well since the kids and I had El Pollo Loco for lunch and I wanted to make sure to flush out as much extra salt as possible!

During the BBQ, we swam in the pool, I played with the kids, took care of our guests, and had a really good time.  There was no stress or pressure.  My mom was with us the whole time and I know it was good for her spirit to be with nice people!

At the WW meeting this morning I was down 4.6!  I would like to have seen a bigger number being my fist week back, but all things considered I am very happy with that number!!!  I walked just under a mile before the foot was tired and I was hungry so I cut it a bit short.  This afternoon I am sure I will be in the pool for some more activity and good hubby is working today, but I am hoping he will get in too later in the day!

My week was good, except for Tuesday.  I tracked 100%...even Tuesday's madness, drank plenty of water, got in some good eats including fruits and veggies, and got in some good activity too!

Week 1...Success!

Onto Week 2!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 6...Not too bad...

It is now Thursday afternoon, and every day this week except for Tuesday.  I was stressed out, and super tired, which resulted in too much food passing my lips.  I tracked every ugly extra bite and ended up using 18pp over my dailies and weeklies. 

Wednesday morning I got right back on track and did well.  Today has been good too.  I had not planned dinner on Tuesday, and I think that uncertainty in combination with a super busy schedule and lots of chaos put me over the edge.

I have been walking 30 minutes in the mornings, spent an hour and a half in the pool with my daughter yesterday, and plan to go in the pool again today.  My foot is a little sore and stiff, but I will work through it slowly so I don't have to completely stop exercising like before.

This week I have had some hungry moments...some physical and some mental.  I have done pretty well considering, and I am so proud of myself that I didn't let Tuesday's madness spiral into the next day and throw off my whole week!  I keep trying to remind myself that I worked so hard the first year and I was rewarded with weight loss.  If I repeat those actions, I will get repeated results. 

I am feeling good and can hardly wait until weigh in!  Yeah!!!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 1...Starting over...again...

Day 1...

In March I hurt my foot from too much exercise. In April I got a boot that was hot and heavy and went from my toes to my knee. No exercise, super limited movement, and a hurt wrist drove me right back to the fridge.

I went back to WW in May after my daughter was done with her track meets.  I weighed in at my "heaviest" since I lost weight...240 pounds!  In 2 weeks I lost 9.4 pounds and then gave up.

 I did pretty well maintaining (going up and down the same few pounds over and over). Then I got super frustrated and ate, ate a bit more, and ate some more.  I gained back the 9.4 pounds I had lost and 3.5 more pounds on top of that. 

During that time I had switched, and re-switched, my WW membership from meetings back to online.  I wasn't really into it and felt like I was wasting money.

Last week I took the boot off my foot and have been trying to be careful with it.  We bought an above ground pool and I am going to get as much exercise in it as I can. 

I thought about why I joined WW the first time back in February of 2011.  I remembered that I did it because even though I was exercising and watching what I ate, I wasn't losing weight.  I had decided I needed the "guide" for food that WW offers with its PointsPlus system.

Last week I decided I still need it now too.  I am going to slowly ease back into exercise, and I need WW to be my guide for the nutrition part of it. 

I went back to my first WW meeting this morning.  I took my 13 extra pounds with me and have commited to lose them for good and continue on to lose all I need to in order to reach my ultimate weight loss goal.  I have about 95 pounds to lose although since I have not weighed 150 pounds since I was very young, I am only using that weight as a temporary goal until I am closer and find what a comfortable, and healthy, weight will be for me.

I feel like I am finally excited about the idea of losing weight again.  I also feel like I can do it.  When I joined in 2011, the thought of not losing weight didn't even cross my mind.  Since I have been struggling in 2012 & 2013, I have not been able to convince myself that I can lose, continue to lose, and keep it off.  Those thoughts have got to change into...YES!!!  I can do it!  Why not?  I am good at so many other things, especially taking care of my kids, husband, and parents...why shouldn't I be good at taking care of me too!?!?

I made a new "what if" spreadsheet where I will log my weight each week, and I have scenarios of how much I would weigh if I lost 1, 2, or 3 pounds per week.  It is not exact, but gives me hope and an idea of where I could be if I really commited to the process.

It is totally possible for me to reach Onederland by December if I can lose an average of 2 pounds per week.  If I lose an average of 1 pound per week, I could be there by May of next year.  Either way if I can consistantly lose something, anything each week, I would be lighter than I am today!

This morning after the meeting, my daughter and I had some errands to run.  We each ate a banana at the meeting, but were getting hungry.  We opted for McDonald's to avoid driving too far or spending too much time out.  I pondered what to order and decided to order something that would be very close in pp value as what I would have eaten at home.  I usually eat 7pp for breakfast so I decided on an Egg White Delight McMuffin (I didn't eat the top), 1 hashbrown with a bit of ketchup, and a bottle of water instead of a Diet Coke.  My meal came to 9pp...only 2pp over my normal breakfast.  I was super proud of myself and enjoyed my eats.

Lunch was a bit of a different story, but after going round and round in my head and deciding I would only cheat myself if I didn't track accurately, I spent the rest of my daily pp on lunch.  I ate a piece of leftover chicken and made a homemade pizza.  I counted all of the extra pp and have used 1 of my weeklies thus far.  I will not go overboard on dinner, and even though I spent more on lunch than I had planned to, I am pround of my decision to track everything and be true to myself.

I will have a good week.  It might not be perfect, but I am going to track every bite, get in some activity, and make the best of my choices...good, bad, or otherwise!

Day 1...It's a start!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Days 68 ~ 72...

This past week was busy with Spring Break, my daughter's birthday, and getting my mom where she needed to go.  In spite of it all, I still managed to get in a lot of activity!  My eats were good more or less, although we had a BBQ for my daughter's birthday and we ate really late.  We also had alot of errands to run that day and ate fast food for lunch. All in all I did well.  I was up 2 pounds for yesterday's weigh in, but the scale was already down a pound today. 

I went to Urgent Care early Friday morning to have my foot looked at.  My Achilles tendon is out of whack and I have a bone spur on the bottom of my foot.  I am allowed to walk and have some foot stretches to spin, bike, or Zumba for two full weeks. 

Onto finish laundry... 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Days 65 ~ 67...

Days 65 ~ 67 I did pretty well with exercise.  Sunday I was busy around the house, but didn't earn a ton of activity pp.  Saturday I did earn 12pp though! 

Monday I went to spin the morning and walked an hour at my daughter's track practice.  My walking buddy didn't go, but I walked by myself anyway.  I cut it short with an hour rather than an hour and a half because my foot was hurting.  I earned 16pp for the day.  It was kind of an eaty day, but I tracked it all.

Tuesday I decided to rest my foot.  I did some stuff around the house and ran some errands and earned 5pp for the day.  My eats were not perfect, but I did track.

The scale is back up.  I really think I should stop weighing myself everyday.  It makes sense that my weight will go up and down during the week...Saturday's weight should be all that matters.  I am going to put the scale away after I weigh in this Saturday until the next Saturday...if I move, track 100%, and stay within my dailies and weeklies, it should be down by the following Saturday!

Onto Day 68...Busy getting stuff done at home and we have track practice tonight!

Day 64 & Weigh In...

Weigh In...226.0...Down 1.5 pounds with Aunt Flo in town...woo hoo!!!

Total since my restart on Jan 26, 2013...6.5 pounds.

Total since my original start on Feb 26, 2011...69.7 pounds.  I am almost back to 70 and 13.3 away from my lowest back in December of 2011 and I have not seen this number on the scale since October of last year.  I am so excited and really looking forward to another good week!

Today's exercise will be jumping on a trampoline with my daughter at a friend's birthday party.

Onto making Day 64 a good one!

We had a blast at the party...once I got my nerve up to step onto the trampoline!  My daughter and I jumped for a good hour and a half.  We drank a ton of water, I had a small slice of pizza, veggies, fruit, a small ham sandwich, and a few bites of cake.  Everyone there was eating and eating and eating and I could have joined in, but decided to get back to jumping instead.  I know I would not have had the nerve to do it before I started WW...and maybe not even this time last year.  We had so much fun and I am going to try to fit in another trip to that place for my daughter and I.  I tracked 100% on my phone during the party and was happy with my eats!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Days 61 ~ 63...

Day 61 (Wednesday) went well...much better than Tuesday.  I walked in the morning and at night.  I tracked 100% and only went over 2pp for the day...I even earned 11 activity pp!

Day 62 (Thursday) also went well.  Due to lack of time I did not walk in the morning, but I did walk at track practice in the evening.  I tracked 100%, only went over my food pp by 3, and I earned 10 activity pp for the day.

Day 63 (Friday)  Today was BUSY!!!  I took my kids to school, came home to finish my grocery list and check e-mail, went to the gym and did Zumba for an hour, and went to Wal-Mart, ran into a friend and decided to have lunch at McDonalds inside of Wal-Mart.  I had a grilled chicken sandwich with BBQ sauce instead of mayo, a Diet Coke, and a banana.  We talked and friend had fries and a fish sandwich, but I focused on my eats and they were delicious and guilt free!  Since I saw her midway through my shopping, I went back for the rest of my items, went home to put them away quickly, went to my daughter's school to help, passed on juice, Peeps, and Moon Pies, and then went to Sam's Club with my daughter...we shared a pretzel...I did track the 7pp for it and it was worth every one.  As I was unloading groceries at home my son called for a ride home.  I closed the trunk, went to get him, came home unloaded the rest of the groceries, made him some sandwiches, put the rest of the groceries away, checked e-mail, and now I am ready to go make dinner.  It has been a non-stop day, I have gotten alot done, tracked 100%, and still have 10pp for dinner which is totally doable.  I have already earned 8pp for the day and still have some laundry and housework to do. 

Tomorrow is weigh in.  As of this morning I am up .5 pounds from last week.  Aunt Flo is still in town, but I am hoping the scale will go down a bit by tomorrow morning so I can either maintain or lose a little.  I feel like I am hitting my stride and really getting back to my old WW isn't seeming like such a chore anymore.

Days 61 ~ 63...Success!

Onto Day 64...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 60...

Yesterday was eaty and I did not get in much activity...I only earned 1 activity pp for the day.  Aunt Flo is in town and she brought pain with her this month.  I tracked the first part of the day...pp and all...the second part of the day I wrote down what I ate, but did not weigh, measure, or calculate any pp.  I also did not drink enough water.  This morning I still wasn't feeling well, but I decided to take a walk anyway.  I didn't do any hills but did manage to get in a good 42 minutes and about 2 1/2 miles.  I am keeping my gym clothes on to use at tonight's track practice and to help deter me from eating too much throughout the day.  I have been working way too hard on activity to defeat my entire purpose with unnecessary eating.  Today I will do my best to track 100%, weigh, measure, and calculate pp.

Onto tackle my long to do list...

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 59...Lots of Activity!

Yesterday was a good activity day for sure!  It was also an eaty day...tracked 100%, but still struggling with eating more than I need to.

After I dropped the kids off at school I walked my regular hilly 3 mile loop.  Before we left for track I rode my trike for a good 25 minutes around our block.  I tried to get to the top of our street about 15 times...I am only 2 1/2 houses away from the top, I got alot further than before!  At track practice I walked another 3 miles. 

During the day I had bouts of wanting to eat just to eat...sometimes I ate and sometimes I resisted the urge.  After practice my husband wanted to go get tacos.  I had two mini tacos then decided I needed 1/2 chicken sandwich, some cottage cheese, and some jelly.  I am much better off not starting to eat and then I don't need to worry about stopping.  I did track all the madness and will strive to do better today.

I am taking today as a rest day from activity because I have not taken any full rest days in awhile.  We do not have practice tonight, and even though it was perfect walking weather this morning I decided my body needs a break...just for one day though!

Onto taking care of business and making Day 59 a good one!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Days 55 ~ 58 & Weigh In

By the end of the night yesterday, I earned 14 activity pp!  I really love that I have someone nice to talk to while I walk at my daughter's track practice...the times goes sooo fast!  This morning the scale was the same as yesterday even with my extra eats.  On Saturday I was 230.5, Sunday 228.5, Monday 228.5, Tuesday 228.5, Wednesday & today 227.  I feel good about my activity, tracking, water intake, and most of my eats. 

This morning I decided to come back home after taking the kids to school instead of going for a walk.  I will get in a good walk tonight, so I am not worried.  I made taco meat for tonight's dinner, cut up onions and tomatoes, did the dishes, took my daughter to the doctor for a recheck of her ear which is good thankfully, took my daughter back to school, and now it is 10am.  I am off to take my mom the dentist and hopefully make it back in time to help at my daughter's school today so I can go to Zumba tomorrow...we'll see!

The day ended well with a good walk at track practice and pretty good eats. 

Friday I made it to Zumba and was having kind of an off day.  When I fight with my dad it makes me feel my spirit is broken.  He gets over it right away and carries on.  I managed to eat fairly well, tracked everything 100% and earned 8 activity pp for the day.

Weigh In...I lost 3 pounds!!!  I was so excited!  This morning, Sunday, I am still down and weighed the same as yesterday. 

My daughter did great at her track meet yesterday and she and I stuck to what we brought to eat.  My husband ate some of the sandwiches we brought and bought a hot dog and a Coke.  When we got home we were all tired.  I took a nap and then got up to make everyone dinner.  My daughter and I had eaten when we got home and I was not hungry for dinner.  Later I was hungry and should have known better than to eat when I am so tired.  I ended up using quite a few weeklies, but I still tracked 100%.

This morning I slept in until 8am and got busy with house work.  I am on my way to drop of some items at the Goodwill,  stop by the bank, and go to Sams and Walmart. 

Days 55 ~ 59...a little eaty, a lot of activity, 100% tracked...I'm going to call them successful!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 54...

I started the day with an hour of Zumba...I really love it. and had forgotten how good I feel when I am at the gym, away from home, and not thinking about the bazillion worries that are constantly running through my mind.  I am going to try and switch the day I help at my daughter's school from Friday to Wednesday or Thursday so I can go to Zumba on Friday as well which would give me 4 gym days a week!

After the gym I went to the valley to pick up my mom's sewing machine.  It was lunch time and I opted for Burger King.  I had an Original Chicken Sandwich with BBQ sauce instead of mayo and a value size order of onion rings.  I took my time, ate slowly, enjoyed every bite.  I sat inside rather than driving thru and realized that I rarely eat fast food or drive thru...progress for sure!

After lunch, I headed back up the freeway.  I found some cute socks for my daughter at Kohls and found her track socks at Big 5.  I forgot to stop and get longer laces for my new tennies so I will have to do that tomorrow.  When I got home it was already time to pick up my daughter.  I still had my gym clothes and shoes on and it was cool outside so I walked.  We came home and had snack...I didn't really need to eat, but did anyway, but I tracked it and that is still my main goal.

Tonight we have track practice and I will walk with my buddy and her baby.  I have eaten many of my activity pp, but it is ok.  Again...the goal is to track 100%, not to worry about going over my pp.

So far I have earned 5 activity pp, I am sure I will get beyond 10pp by the end of the night!

Day 54...Delicious lunch, 100% tracking, and awesome activity!

Day 53...

Frustrating day.

Tired of arguing over nothing.

Tired of being the target.

Ate more than I needed to during the late morning and early afternoon.

Tracked eats, and BLT's, 100%.

Walked 90 minutes at track practice.

Day 53...Glad it is over.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 52...Super busy and still on track!

What a day!  I got to the gym early and saw a friend in the spin room so I jumped on a bike and started spinning while talking to her.  The class was challenging and I pushed proud!  It went a little over, so I got in a full 90 minutes!

I came home, took a quick shower, and my mom and I were on our way.  I took her to the chiropractor and while she was there I mailed my niece's baby box, went to Walmart and found a few tank tops to use for exercise, and found 3 pounds of grapes for $ .99!

From there we went to the valley to drop off her sewing machine. I made sandwiches in the morning to take so we ate lunch on the way.  We stopped by McDonald's for drinks and 2 chocolate chip cookies.  I was full after my sandwich, wheat thins, and drink, so I didn't eat my cookie...success! 

When we got back I hopped in bed for about 45 minutes and watched TV until I had to get my daughter from school.  We came home, did homework, I got busy in the kitchen, and she was able to paint her wooden locker that she bought at Lowes and put together with her Papi on Sunday. 

Track practice was went super fast!  My walking buddy and I walked for a good 90 minutes and made 14 laps around the track which is about 3 1/2 miles.  When I am by myself I usually walk 3 miles in about 50 minutes, but at the track, we stop to take care of the baby or to watch the kids, but we still move plenty so I am not worried about the time.

When we got home I made bean tacos for my husband and son...without even 1 bean lick for me...woo hoo!  My daughter opted for some lean bacon and finished the rest of her water.  I made my dad breakfast for dinner with bacon, an egg, toast, and cantaloupe.  I had a bit of cantaloupe and a ton of water.  By 10pm when I was in bed I was physically hungry, I opted to stay in bed rather than get up to eat.  I rarely eat late and never get up to eat, so I figure I better not start that habit.  When I got up this morning I was super hungry.  I had my normal breakfast...1 egg, 1 egg white, and 2 pieces of toast with yogurt butter.  For snack I decided to have some extra protein rather than my normal banana and string cheese.  I had 3oz of ground turkey cooked with diced onions and spices, 14g of mozzarella cheese, and 1/2 of an avocado.  Now that I think about it I should have added some tomato too...oh time! 

I will see how hungry I am tonight and might need to eat more of my activity pp since I am earning so many.  Yesterday I earned 17, and over the weekend in 3 days that makes 27pp...we'll see!?!?

I tracked 100% of my eats yesterday, including the 1/4 of the McDonald's cookie I ate in the daughter had the rest.  I used 2 activity pp, which brings my total used to 4pp...still better than if I had not been tracking I am sure!  The scale was the same today as yesterday...I am going to be patient, continue with my tracking and exercise and see what it says come Saturday.

Day 52...Success!

Onto Day 53...

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day 51...

This morning I woke up dreading having to re-do the lice treatment on my daughter's hair.  I took everything off of the beds, sprayed all of the surfaces, and then went to get more shampoo.  I decided to go to the hair shop where I took my mom on Friday...I noticed they sold "Ladybug" lice treatment products.  I talked to the woman, she checked my hair, said I was good, and then told me if I brought my daughter she could check her hair too.  They don't do the treatment, but checking to be sure is so helpful!  I drove home and got my daughter, the hair stylist checked her hair and determined it was not lice but a form of cradle cap.  She thinks my daughter may not have had it last week either.  Oh least I know for sure that she does not have it now.  I had her wash and trim her hair since we were there anyway.  I also bought some peppermint "Ladybug" lice repellent and tipped well for all of the extra time, help, and effort. 

After we finished there, we went to WalMart to get some moisturizing shampoo and conditioner.  It was lunch time so we opted for McDonalds.  I had a Diet Coke, 5 french fries, and a grilled chicken sandwich with BBQ sauce instead of mayo.  It was good, I was satisfied, tracked it all, and was pleased with my choices. 

The morning at home did not go so well with controlled eats, but I did track 100%.  When we got home from the store, I was feeling like I did in the morning...frustrated and wanting to eat.  Again, I ate, but again, I also tracked.

I made shrimp, chicken, beef, and potato skins for dinner.  I weighed and tracked all of my food and used the rest of my weeklies.  After dinner I went to the neighbor's to find my husband, stayed for too long to talk, and then came home to make his dinner.  I ate a few small pieces of chicken, and then immediately tracked them.  I used 2pp over my weeklies.  My main goal this week is to track far, so good.  If I go over my weeklies, so be it.  I know I ate a lot less than I would have if I would not have been tracking.  Once I am back to tracking 100% faithfully on a consistent basis, then I will worry about not going over...until then...tracking is all that matters.

Tomorrow I am going to spin class, then take my mom to the chiropractor, go to the valley to drop my mom's sewing machine off for service, make dinner, help my daughter with her homework, finish laundry, walk at track practice, and mail my nieces goodie box filled with things for her new baby...a 12x12 custom photo album ready for pictures, a cute pink outfit that has a onesie, pants, and a matching bib, 4 receiving blankets that I made, a quilt my mom made, and a furry blanket that I finished today.  Needless to say it will be another long day...hopefully I can get everything done!

Day 51...Success...Over 2pp, but I earned 9 activity pp between yeaterday and today so technically I am still ahead!

Onto Day 52...

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Days 49 & 50 & Weigh In...

Yesterday was a long day.  My daughter had the day off from school so she went with me to take my mom to the chiropractor and to get her hair cut.  By the time we were finished it was past lunch and we were beyond hungry.  We decided to go to a Japanese place near the hair shop...the service was horrifically slow, but I liked the food.  I had miso soup, teriyaki chicken, salad with the best dressing ever, and 4 pieces of a California roll.  My daughter and I shared, but she didn't like the teriyaki sauce so she ate the rice and the spring roll.  I would for sure go back, but probably by myself since my daughter and mom weren't impressed...I think they would have rather gone to McDonalds!

After lunch we dropped my mom off at home and ran a few errands.  I got some new walking shoes for me and a shirt for my daughter at Kohls for $ 41...including tax...full price would have been $ 96 !  I made homemade pizza for dinner and my hubby, the neighbor, and I finished working on the garage.  If it were my choice, I would empty it out totally, deep clean, put up new drywall, paint, fix the floor, and make it nice.  My dad would rather leave it as it is...35 years of dirt and unused bits and pieces.  My mom was thinking about putting up some ceiling fans with lights in the living room...she was ready to send me to the store until she talked to my dad and he talked her out of it...he always does that and it frustrates me to no end!  Needless to say it was an eaty night because I was super over tired and frustrated...not a good combination!

This morning my daughter and I got to the track for time trials early.  My husband and the neighbor went to set up the e-z up tent in the bleachers so we could have shade.  I pulled tags at the finish line and handed out water.  It was super hot and all the kids did great!  Even with SPF 50, I still got daughter did not because when she was not on the field or track she was under our shady tent with my walking buddy.  We were home by noon, I made lunch, and then I went to take a nap.  I got woken up once by my mom and once by my daughter and then decided to give up and get up.  I made dinner which I didn't eat much of, and I am ready to get back in bed again.  My eats were not 100% and I did use 16 weeklies, but I tracked 100%...that is my goal to focus on this simply TRACK...even if I go over my dailies and weeklies.  I want to get back into the habit of tracking 100% and not conveniently forgetting to do it once breakfast is done.  My plan is to make tracking 100% a "routine" or habit and once I have that down I will focus on not going over my weeklies.  I have got activity down for sure...last week I earned 54pp and I missed my Zumba class because my daughter was sick.

This morning was supposed to be my last WW meeting, but I didn't have enough time to go before track so I weighed in at home.  I was up 2 pounds from last week which brings my total lost to 2 pounds.  Considering my chaotic life and lack of routine I am happy that I am still down from when I recommitted 50 days ago.  Once I get tracking back to a habit and get my eating under control, I should be back on track....Progress...not perfection!

Onto Day 51...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Days 44 ~ 48...

This week has been so busy with track practice and trying to get everyone where they need to be everyday!  I am still doing amazing getting in a lot of activity, but I am still struggling with my eats. 

My daughter is not feeling well again and last night her ear started hurting.  I took her to the Dr determined to get something to help her.  She has an ear infection and was given antibiotics...I'm hoping this medicine will wipe out any bit of infection so she doesn't get sick again. 

I plan to continue exercising and working on eating day at a time working toward progress rather than perfection!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 43...Not so bueno...

Yesterday was full of chaos, frustration, and food!  I got in a 1 mile walk and since I barely sat down I earned 7 activity pp for the day!

My daughter and I had planned to have a quiet day, hang out at home, do a little grocery shopping, and buy her socks for track.  She wanted her hair curled so we sat down and got busy.  I pinned it up, curled the bottom, and as I got to the top, I found lice!  There was a girl with lice a week or so ago in her class.  The school and I both checked my daughter and didn't find any. 

I immediately went to the store and spent $ 35 on Lice shampoos...treatment and preventative.  Next time there is an outbreak at school, we will start using the preventative right away...I had never seen it before, but now I know!

We spent a few hours working on her hair...lots of combing and 4 showers later, I thought we got it all.  Her scalp was very dry from all of the washing, so we went over to a friend's for a second opinion.  I am almost to the end of the laundry...I sprayed and vacuumed the house and the car.  We put her beloved stuffed animals in a plastic bag, sealed them up tight, and will be able to see them again in 4 weeks...just in time for her birthday. 

I hope I got all of the lice and we don't have another round.

Yesterday was eaty in dinner time I was done eating.  A few hours later I was hungry and just had a bit to eat.  I hope someday stress, frustration, and exhaustion will no longer lead me to food...until then, I will do the best I can to control it.

Today we are going to have a lazy day and finish up laundry.  I gave my daughter another shower and will check her hair again.  Tomorrow morning when I take her to school I will take her to the office to let them know and have them check it again to make sure. 

This will be another busy week with the gym, doctor's for my parents, and track practice.  I am looking forward to the gym and my walks at practice for sure!

Onto to tackle day 44...

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Days 39 ~ 43 & Weigh in...

This week was a bit off.  I tracked half-heartedly and then stopped by Wednesday.  My eats were not totally out of control or totally on track and I was super tired and worried about my GI Procedure. 

I did walk every night at my daughter's track practice...M ~ Th. I also went to Zumba on Wednesday after a 30 minute walk first thing in the morning.  Tuesday and Thursday I took the mornings off from exercise.  Friday I did not exercise at all and only wore my ActiveLink for a short time.  I was nervous about the GI test and not able to eat or drink after midnight.  We got to the doctor's office at noon and we got home around 2pm.  It thought it would take longer and it wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be...I didn't even get nauseous or throw up from the medicine...1st time ever and so thankful!  I had some crackers and regular Coke in the afternoon...I think it might have helped!

I ordered pizza to be delivered for dinner...the price of delivery pizza kills me, but I was supposed to rest and not drive so that is what we had.  I ate a few pieces of boneless honey bbq wings...they were super tasty!  I also had a few slices of super thin crust Hawaiian pizza. 

This morning I weighed the same as yesterday so I know my eats were not too bad last night in spite of the crackers, Coke, and chicken.

I did not sleep well last night but did get up this morning to go to WW.  I got there, weighed in, walked a quick mile, and made it back for the meeting.  I was down 1.8!  I am so excited because I know that it was deserved and not just because of yesterday's procedure and eating schedule.  I earned 57 activity pp for the week and I know I would have lost more if my eats would have been better.  I am still not looking for perfection, just progress!  This is my journey and it might take me longer than many to reach my goal, but sitting back and really looking at my living situation, responsibilities, and lack of "me" time, I think I am doing ok.

I am off with my daughter to do a little grocery shopping and get some socks for track.  I am already feeling a bit frustrated this morning so I think getting out of the house for a bit will do me some good!

Onto make Day 43 a good one!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 38...Activity - Success...Eats +/-...

My hubby and I finished our movies last night and then he went to bed.  I did the dishes, some more laundry, and my to do lists for this week. 

This morning I woke up feeling good...both physically and in good spirits!  I wish I could say the same for my mom and kids...they were tired and grumpy.  I think my son's cold has come back as he has not been feeling well since Saturday afternoon.  Luckily his cough is not back, but he is still pretty miserable.  I kept him home from school and he has slept most of the day.

He decided to go back to sleep when I took my daughter to school so I went to they gym as planned.  I got there really early and tried about 10 bikes before I finally gave up and picked the best of the worst.  I still had plenty of time before class so I walked a quick 2 miles on the treadmill.  I walked at a 4% incline and it only took my 28 minutes...woo hoo!

I went into the spin room about 5 minutes early and started slowing spinning to ease my way back into it.  To my surprise, I felt so good and was not as out of breathe as my last spin class.  I think walking has really helped with my stamina and breathing.  Half way through the class my mom called.  She had mixed up my dad's pills.  My first thought was to run home but then I regrouped had her tell me which pills she had so I knew what was missing.  We worked it out and I went back to class...sadly I missed 5 minutes of a standing climb, which I really like to do, but at least I didn't just give up and leave.

When I got home I took a quick shower and took care of my son.  I felt super rushed because I had to take my mom to the chiropractor and she was ready even though I needed a few more minutes.  I nicely asked for a few more minutes so I could make a quick batch of pizza dough so it could rise while we were gone and lunch would be quick when we got back.  Sometimes people really make me feel like I am "taking up too much of their time" when I am the one giving all of my time away...ugh!

I dropped my mom off at the chiropractor, ran a few errands, and we got home about 2 hours after we left.  I made lunch for my mom, son, and I.  I usually sit and eat at the table, but I was tired and decided to sit on the couch with my feet up and watch a recorded show.

Today has been a bit of an eaty day in spurts, but I have tracked everything and have plenty of weeklies since I didn't use many over the weekend.  I have 1 daily left so I will probably use about 10 weeklies for dinner...we'll see!

Tonight my daughter has track practice and I am going to walk.  I have already earned 8pp today and I am excited to see how many I have by the end of the day!

Day 38...Success!

Onto Day 39...

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 37...

We slept in until 8am this morning, a rare happening and it was super nice not to hear the alarm!  My hubby wanted to go to the swapmeet and since my mom and kids were having a "rest" day, just the two of us went.  After a little over an hour of walking at the swapmeet, we went to Walmart.  From there we headed to Lowes and Ross.  In the middle somewhere we had a few tacos...I had two and counted out 6 tortilla chips. 

From there we decided to stop at home so I could cook lunch for my mom and kids.  Then we went up the freeway to a tool store he likes.  I took some fruit and string cheese for the car ride.  A few hours later we decided to have a late lunch. We found a new Hibachi buffet, but when we got there we found they were not opening until tomorrow...bummer.

We ended up at Sizzler.  I had 1 piece of lemon chicken, the salad bar, and water.  From the salad bar I had tons of veggies, 1/3 of a backed potato, fruit, and some soft serve ice cream.  I skipped the dressing, fried foods, creamy salads, cheesy bread, yeast rolls, and didn't miss any of it!  I took pictures with my phone and tracked everything. 

For a late dinner I made potato soup topped with freshly grated 2% cheddar cheese, 1/8 cup of chopped green onions, 2 T of bacon bits, and 1 small piece of bread with yogurt butter.

All of my eats today were delicious and I only used 6 weekly pp for the entire weekend to include 3 times eating out...woo hoo!  Now I just need to keep the momentum going for the rest of the week.

I have already made it past 100% and earned 3pp of activity for the day.  I have a few more things to do before bed, so I a might make it to 4pp.  My hubby and I rented a few movies.  We were watching one and the neighbor called for help real quick. 

My hubby is back so I am going to return to my "date".

Day 37...Success!!!

Onto Day 38 and my 1st spin class in months!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day 36 & Weigh in...

I don't know what was going on with the WW scale today, but it seemed that everyone lost less than they expected, myself included.  According to my scale, I lost about 1 1/2 pounds...according to the WW scale, I lost .4!  Oh well, a loss is a loss and I will take it especially since this week was not one of my best!

My husband didn't have work this morning, but did have plans to help the neighbor.  He woke up when I did and instead of getting up and getting in the shower, I took the rare opportunity to lay in bed a little longer and converse with my hubby.  I made it to the meeting, but not early enough to walk.  I decided it was ok since I had plans for a busy and active day anyway.  Sometimes I miss my husband, even when he is home because we are so tired and or busy.

Today I told my WW leader that I only have 2 more meetings until I switch to online until Track season is over.  She is concerned that I will not do well which in turn made me concerned.  I really want to shock everyone when I go back in three months by losing enough that it can be seen.  Quite a few members told me how much they will miss me while I am gone and called me "the heart and sole of our meeting group"...I like to participate and apparently it is appreciated!  I really love our group, leader, and meetings, but I know this is the right decision for me this year as last year really threw me off track trying to go to different meetings and never feeling as good as I do with our original group.

I spent some time with my 3-Month tracker this morning after the meeting and wrote many things down, made stickies for exercise and dinners, and really took time to reflect on how I have been doing program and what changes I want to make going forward.  I know that getting more exercise in to include the gym, morning walks, and walking at Track practice will help me alot, and I really need to focus on my food choices and tracking.  If I have to write reminders 100 times and put them in 100 places, I will if that's what is takes!

My daughter and I had a great day out.  We went to the library, the bank, took my mom's sewing machine to get repaired, went to Joanns, went to lunch at Claim Jumpers, and went to the mall.  We spent all day getting in and out of the car and walking.  So far I have earned 4 activity pp...I think maybe we weren't walking fast enough, but it still counts as activity!  For lunch my daughter had the kids ribs and I had the salad bar.  I chose veggies, cottage cheese, turkey, and fruit.  I did not have any bacon bits, croutons, dressing, or creamy pasta salads.  I was so proud of my choices that I didn't even miss the "pointier" foods I didn't choose!  After a few hours of walking around the mall we had frozen yogurt for a snack.  I had the guy weigh it twice so I could get the amount I wanted and count the pp.  The only topping I had was 1 peanut M & M and it was enough.  A few hours later we made it to Target...the last stop of the day.  We finished there and got some drinks, beef jerkey, and popcorn for the ride home.  I asked for 2 bags 1/2 full and ended up only eating 1/2 of that which made it 1/4 of a full bag.  The beef jerkey was in sticks to it was easy to count and track. 

When we got home we picked up my son, unloaded the car, and I made "Dorito" tacos for dinner.  I weighed and tracked everything and my pp worked out exactly...I used exactly my dailies and not even 1 weekly...woo hoo! I  have eaten so much fruit and veggies and drank so much water throughout the day that I am super satisfied and know I will not have the need to "pick" when I make my hubby's dinner later tonight.  It is really amazing how much food you can get out of your pp when you choose the right ones!

Off to put away laundry and put my feet has been a long, but good, day!

Day 36...Success!

Onto Day 37...

Friday, March 1, 2013

Day 35...

This morning I had planned on walking and then looked at my to do list and decided it would be best to tackle that and get ahead for the weekend.  I have not tracked my eats all week and decided to start today.  I don't know why I think I can not track and still lose weight considering if I don't track what I eat, I don't remember what I eat!  Tomorrow starts a new week, but I started today with tracking breakfast and planning dinner.  When I get over tired and stressed out, tracking is always the first thing to go...that needs to change!  I have to remember that I tracked 100% faithfully for almost a full year in 2011...through many tough times!

Today has been long and tearful.  I am just too tired...tired of struggling with food...tired of struggling to find enough time in my day...tired of worrying about $...tired of not being able to go anywhere or look forward to anything fun...tired of being tired.  I am thankful for everything I family, a roof over our heads, food on the table, reliable cars, hot and cold water, indoor plumbing, at home laundry, etc, but sometimes I fill like we are simply surviving rather than actually living.

Next Friday I am having an upper GI test.  I am nervous.  I hope they don't find anything bad, or at least not anything that cannot be fixed.  My liver and spleen are enlarged and my blood platelet count is low.  My "blood" Doctor thinks my spleen is eating my platelets, but he is not sure why.  Last June he did a bone marrow biopsy, but thankfully it came back ok.

My eats started out well today, but then went wrong...not terribly wrong, but definitely not right.  I should have taken my morning walk, but I really had to get some things taken care of before I took my mom to the Chiropractor.

Tomorrow I will go to Weight Watchers...not sure what the scale will say, but I will be there.  I will weigh in, walk a mile, go back for the meeting, and then walk another mile. 

Hoping to feel better tomorrow...

Onto Day 35 and Weigh in...

Day 34...

Yesterday went so fast, I had way too much to do, but got quite a bit of it done!  When my daughter got home from school, we had a quick snack and I had a chance to sit and put my feet up for about a half hour.  After our snack, we put laundry away, picked up around the house, and got started on homework.  She got it done quickly and then she and my mom had a light dinner.  I had snacked too much throughout the day and decided not to eat. 

Right before we left for track practice, my daughter told me her tummy hurt.  I think it was due to being tired and not drinking enough water after school.  She said she would try her best and she did.  I walked around the track a few times and then stayed with her while she was doing the drills.  Even though I didn't get too much walking in, I still managed to earn 8 activity pp for the day. 

When we got home I fixed her a light snack and then had to go back to the school to get my son.  He was at an away track meet and PR'd in Discus...PR stands for personal record, and when you "PR", you beat your own personal record.  He threw the discus 7 feet further, throwing 93 feet!  His goal is to throw 100 and he has made fast progress this year considering the season just started a few months ago and he ended last season throwing in the 70's!

When I got home I was super tired and feeling "eaty".  I had a few bites of the Milanesa I had made for my husband and then decided to drink water and eat a banana.  I fixed his dinner, and some for my daughter, and then she and I were off to bed!

Track for both kids has thrown our schedule way off, but I think we are getting the hang of it. 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Days 31 ~ 33...

This week has been super busy!  My daughter's track practice started Monday night and she is sore but doing awesome!  I am taking advantage and walking at her practices which gets me a 60-90 minute walk...woo hoo!  I met two new to track moms and they are both excited to walk and talk rather than just sit and talk...even when they don't walk, I will still walk on my own.

Last night I actually RAN the bleachers...RAN them!  The track team drill is to run up the stairs, run across the top, walk down the stairs, and then run across the bottom.  I ran most of the time on the straights and zipped up the stairs like I knew what I was doing...I could hardly believe I was doing it!  Another thing I noticed was that I was able to walk faster and breathe slower compared to last year when I would walk at her even though the scale hasn't moved much, my stamina has improved!

Tonight is night 4 and the last night of practice this week.  I am going to get a good walk in tomorrow morning to get a good start on activity for the day.  Another bonus is we have been eating an early light dinner and I have not been hungry, or eating, when we get home at 8pm!

Because I struggled so much last year trying to change my WW meeting times for Sat track meets, and now I have my parents to drive around and take care of, I decided to switch my membership to online only.  I still have a few more weeks to go to meetings before the meets start and I am already paid up anyway.  The difference in price will still allow me to keep my ActiveLink subscription and pay for the gym too!  I am so excited to get back to the gym...Monday spin class will be my first day.  I had to join this week to get the monthly special, but I didn't want to overdo and get sick again so I will start next week.

So much to do today...still working on my eats, but making progress everyday!

Onto Day 34...

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 30...

I did well with activity and eats today.  I lowered my ActiveLink goal and will raise it back up once I am 100% over my cough and breathing troubles.  Today I made it past 100% and earned 3pp.  I tracked all of my eats today and only used 4 weekly pp.  I wanted to eat several times throughout the day when I wasn't hungry so I drank extra water and brushed my teeth a few extra times!

This week will be busy with my daughter starting track practice.  While she is at practice, I will stay and walk for an hour and a half around the outside of the track.  Until I am better, I will not walk or exercise in the mornings, only at night at her practice...I am also going to walk at a slower pace than normal in efforts of not over doing it.  Once I am better, I will be able to exercise most mornings, and at her practices too...she has practice 4 nights a week so I should have plenty of time for activity!

I knocked out the majority of my to do list today and have tomorrow night's dinner planned.  Tomorrow I will finish the menu through this Friday and finish the rest of my list.  I am trying to stay ahead of things so there is as little chaos as possible.

Day 30...Success!

Onto Day 31...

Day 29...Weigh in & a Baby Shower...

I was up at WW...I knew I would be.  In the two weeks since my last WW weigh in, I gained 3.4 pounds bringing my total lost to less than 2 pounds.  I am glad I did not gain back all I lost.

I walked 1 mile before the meeting started after I weighed in.  It was cold, and it felt so good to walk, but my cough and breathing are still causing trouble.

My best friend's sister who I have known over 1/2 my life is having a baby.  My best friend threw her a Baby Shower yesterday.  My daughter and I went early to help decorate and set up.  We were there a total of 8 hours between set-up, the party, and clean-up.  I earned 6 activity pp for the day.  I brought healthy snacks for my daughter and I, weighed out my chips, and then I don't even know what happened.  Alot of the people invited, and confirmed to attend, did not show.  There were chips and sandwiches, and sweet strawberry punch.  I ate fruit that we brought, veggies, chips, and some croissant sandwiches...yes more than 1...luckily they were cut into thirds and I didn't eat most of the cheese.  I also used french onion dip instead of mayo.  I shared a super small piece of cake with my daughter.  When we got home I had a little of this and a little of that.  This my surprise...the scale was down 1.5 pounds from yesterday.  Looking back, I did not eat as much as I originally thought and I was moving all day.

I am considering today as Day 1 for this WW week and gave myself all 49 of my weeklies.  So far, so good.  I had a light breakfast of oatmeal and then a turkey burger and banana for lunch.  I am ready for a snack, but have -- and will -- track everything!  Today's activity has, and will, consist of laundry, cleaning house, and a bit of grocery shopping.  I am trying to be more active than I have in the past two weeks, but still taking it easy to help my cough and breathing improve!

Day 29...Success...

Onto Day 30...


Days 27 & 28...

This morning I had my usual good breakfast, took the kids to school, and stopped by the grocery.  I bought a few items to fill in for lunches and dinners for today and tomorrow. 

I bought some green peppers, red onions, and mushrooms to go with ham and mozzarella for a homemade pizza for lunch.  When I got home, I chopped and weighed everything.  I have to take my mom to the doctor and will get home just after lunch so I figured if I planned ahead it would be easier to stick with my lunch plan.  Today should be a good eats day.  My weight has reflected my lack of activity and lack of being on plan 100%.  On Saturday I weighed 229.50, Sunday 230, Monday 230.50, Tuesday 230, Wednesday 230, and again this morning 230.  I am happy to see the scale leveling out this week, but I am not happy with myself or my lack of progress.  I am hoping that my cough and breathing will be better within the next few days so I can get back to walking.  It really makes a difference in how I feel physically and emotionally, and it also affects how I eat.

I think being sick does not help my attitude toward weight loss and watching what I eat.  Thursday and Friday I went a little over board both's over and now I need to carry on...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 26...Not too bad...

Well after a few hours, my rolls rose beautifully and then fell...I think it was because the door was open which let a cold draft in and they needed to be in a warmer place.  I took them out of the "warmed" oven to make pizza for lunch and had to keep them out while it cooled down...bad idea.  Oh well...I will keep trying until I get it right!

I didn't get in very much activity during the day as this cough is really affecting my ability to breathe.  My eats were ok.

My husband has been helping our new neighbor totally renovate his house...they are like best buds who have known each other for 20 years, but in reality just met a few weeks ago.  Our neighbor works at UCLA...somewhere my husband has been trying to get into for years since he worked there for a few weeks and it was great.  He was only there a few weeks because he broke his foot at home playing tether ball with our son and the position was too new to be held for him.  Last night he applied for a mechanic's position which would be great for him.  The hours are kind of different, but he would have Sundays and Mondays off, and he doesn't mind working whenever.  I hope and pray that he will get this job and this will be the beginning of good things to come our way.  We are both hardworking and deserve goodness...we have been struggling for long enough!

Day 26....+/-

Onto Day 27...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Days 22 ~ 25...Still Sick...Still off track...

I am still struggling with making good food choices and this nasty cough will just not go away!  I have not walked in 10 days and I am tired of being home so much.  Last night I did do about 25 minutes of exercise using my hand weights...I know it was effective because my arms are a bit sore this morning.  I took my son to the doctor this morning for a physical for sports.  We took the stairs, like we always do, and by the time I got to the top, I could hardly was awful!

I have got to get my $h!t together and get serious.  I am just tired of being sick and when I am tired, and or frustrated, I am drawn to food...more than usual.  Today I weighed 230...3 pounds more than the last time I weighed in at WW 11 days ago and also my starting weight with my DietBet competition.  I am disappointed in my living my cough that won't general. 

I know I can lose this weight.  I feel like every time I get on a good roll, something happens to get in the way of me and progress.  As long as I keep getting up every time I am knocked day I will reach my goal!

Today has been a pretty good eats day.  I had an opened faced fried egg sandwich for breakfast.  A bit of chicken, guacamole, and a banana for snack, and a homemade pizza for lunch with yogurt.  I am not sure what we are having for dinner, but I did start a batch of homemade rolls using a new recipe.  I found another recipe I liked at first, but then I decided that I don't love the texture on the inside...I am looking for softness and the ones I had made were airy and almost a super cheap white sandwich bread. 

3 more days until weigh in.  I did "weigh in" on my WW app since I didn't go to the meeting last Sat...I hope it counts as a real weigh in so there might be hope that I can either maintain or lose a bit since I did gain last week...we'll see.

Days 22 ~ 25...Not so bueno...need to lose the cough and get back to me!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 21...

I started the day well and then went nuts.  I think I got out of control because I had already decided to skip my WW meeting because I am still pretty sick.  I made homemade pizza for lunch which was a good idea until I had to have more than my original reasonable serving.  By the time dinner came around I really wasn't feeling well.  My throat was on fire from coughing all day and I wanted something cold and soothing.  I opted for a chocolate shake.  I also had a few chicken nuggets, and a chicken quesadilla that was so spicy it didn't even taste good...why do I even do that sometimes???  Just keep eating just to eat???

Oh well...$h!t happens!  I was up 2 pounds this is was it is.  Being sick for over a week has taken its toll, especially since my kids and hubby were sick too, and now my mom is sick with the same thing....and I am still not 100%!

I woke up this morning, logged my weight gain in the DietBet game, and will carry on.  I have a fresh new balance of weeklies and I tracked my breakfast.  This week I have got to feel better, and I will eat better to get the scale to go down by next Saturday!

I have tons of laundry and housework to get done, so I better get at it!  I did not earn any activity pp this week beyond Saturday...I am determined to get better and back on track...1 rough week is not going to get me off track!

Day 21...Not so great...Day 22...going to be much better!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Days 16 ~ 20...So Sick!!!

Sunday morning I started getting a sore throat.  My hubby took me to a Mexican restaurant for an early Valentine's Day dinner.  I made really good choices and tracked 100%!  I had a bowl of chicken tortilla soup that had a ton of veggies and the best broth ever, a cheese enchilada that had the best sauce...I wanted to lick the plate when I was done, Diet Coke, salsa and 24 tortilla chips.   I counted out the chips and then broke them up one by one and really focused on the flavors and taking my time...I could do it all over was that good!  I had done so well with my eats that I only used a few weeklies at dinner...and by a few I mean 2...woo hoo!   When we left I felt perfect...not stuffed, not hungry, just right!

On the way home we rented a few family movies.  By the end of the second movie I really wasn't feeling well.  My throat was scratchy and on fire, my head hurt, I felt nauseous, it was awful. 

Monday morning my hubby and kids woke up feeling awful too.  I kept the kids home from school and we spent the day in bed.  I didn't even get up to eat until after noon.  My husband came home early from work...a first ever!  He has never taken sick time, not even when he hurt himself at work and needed stitches...he got stitched up and went right back to work the same day!

Tuesday was similar to Monday except my husband didn't go to work at all.  Yesterday he was back to work and since the kids and I were not getting any better, I took the three of us to Urgent Care...
$ 135 later we were told to continue the over the counter medicines we were taking.  I'm not sure why but while we were waiting for the doctor to come into the room I had an anxiety attack.  I had one many years ago when I was working way too much, but it was nothing like yesterday.  I started to feel nauseous, got the cold sweats, my vision went blurry, my arms were tingling, and then my fingers starting cramping and I couldn't control was so scary!  My son found a nurse and they gave me a shot for nausea.  About 5 minutes later, it all happened again.  They laid me down and took my blood pressure, apparently it had dropped drastically as a result of the injection.  After another 10 minutes I felt better and we left.  Since I don't know why the attacks happened, it kind of makes me nervous that it could happen again so I am trying to be calm and not worry.

I have done well tracking this week in spite of being so sick.  One night my hubby drove me to the store to get some Gatorade and we picked up pizza for dinner so I wouldn't have to cook.  It was "pointier" than my homemade pizza, but it was ready and I tracked it all.  Unlike many people, I still like to eat...even when I am sick.

My weight has gone up and down drastically since Monday...going from 227.50 to 223.50 and back up to 227.50 this morning.  Last Saturday I weighed 227 I am hoping to at least maintain by this week's weigh in although a small loss would give me a feeling of "well done, even though you were sick"!  I'm hoping it will go down a bit by Saturday.  I can't expect too much, but I certainly don't deserve to gain!

Both kids will be home until Tuesday as tomorrow and Monday are school holidays.  I hope we are back to 100% before then so we can enjoy a bit of their time off.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 15...Another good day!

Everyone is snoring, except my 16 year old son who is still playing video games with his friends. The dishes are done, the house is picked, only one load of laundry left, my desk is almost cleaned off, my daughter finished her book report, and I feel like I have checked a bazillion things off of my to do list!  Tomorrow my hubby and I are supposed to go to lunch or dinner to celebrate Valentine’s Day…his idea!  Not sure where we will go or what we will do, but if my daughter is still not feeling better I will stay home with her.
My dad’s birthday dinner and homemade no bake cheese cake turned out well.  I got in plenty of water, veggies, fruit, and good protein in today.  I used 12 of my weeklies and I am happy with all of my choices!  After cooking dinner I had 6 activity pp, the last time I checked I was to 8…earned 2 just by walking around the house picking up and going from room to room…woo hoo!

Today was successful and I know tomorrow will be too!  I am taking tomorrow as a rest day from exercise…if I make it to 100% so be it, if not, not to worry!  I am not too worried about what to eat when we go out tomorrow, I know I can make good, delicious, choices and I will track it all!


Day 14…Success!


Onto Day 15…


Day 15...Weigh in...Diet Bet Weight Loss Challenge...

Last night I didn't sleep well.  I know I was super anxious about this morning's weigh in since the scale had not been cooperating the last few days.  This morning it was down to 227.0...woo hoo! 

Since the scale was higher than expected last week after I walked a mile, I decided that I would not walk before I weighed in today.  That proved to be a good idea because I was down 2.6 pounds!  2 pounds that I figured according to my scale, and the extra .6 that it should have been down last week.  I did walk a full, quick, cold mile between weighing in and the meeting starting.  I did not walk after the meeting because I had some grocery shopping to do and wanted to get home.  My daughter is not feeling well again and is running a fever.  I don't know why she keeps getting sick, I think it may be that she hasn't gotten over what she had and then is exposed to something again.  We are just having a quiet day and I am hoping she is better quickly!

My total weight loss is now 5.2 pounds!  In only two weeks and I still feel the same motivation to keep going that I did the week before and the week before that!  No more up one week, down the next, only to be up the next!  I am so glad I stuck to my guns and reset my WW weight loss to 0...I think it was just what I needed to really put last year's struggles behind me, commit to working on my health 100%,  and to have a "fresh start"!  I didn't tell my leader that I reset, and she found out in this morning's meeting when I was celebrating my "first" 5 pounds.  I think she was in shock, as were other members.  Once I explained my reasons for the reset, they were all very supportive.

I joined the Diet Bet weight loss challenge being hosted by Jen @ ItSuxToBeFat.  This is my first weight loss challenge and I am so excited!  So many have joined and I know the support is going to be amazing!

I am already over 75% on my ActiveLink so I am sure I will make it to 100% by the end of the day.  Today is my dad's 83rd birthday.  I made him a cheesecake, bought him a book about JFK, and will make steak, baked potatoes, and veggies for dinner.

Tons to do as always...Day 15...WILL BE a successful day!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 14...another WTH scale morning!

This morning I was down .5 pounds from yesterday, but the scale is still not reflecting all of my efforts!  Instead of throwing in the towel, I took my 3 mile walk after I dropped the kids off at school.  My eats today were totally on plan and I tracked them all!  Even though I had 5 weeklies left after dinner, I was satisfied with my dailies and didn't use them...not even when everyone else was having dessert and there was 1/2 of a roll sitting all alone calling my name.

For my walk this morning I parked in the grocery store parking lot where I needed to shop for some sale items.  It was 40 degrees, a bit windy, and super chilly.  It is amazing how different the same temperature can feel with wind and clouds added to it!  I am not complaining in Southern California I will take cold over hot any day!

After my walk I did my shopping, ran into Staples to turn in a used toner cartridge, ran into Target to find my daughter a new water bottle so I could have mine back, and drove thru the bank since it was too early and not yet open.  When I got home I put the groceries away, spent about 10 minutes on the computer, changed my clothes, took my mom to get her hair cut, came back home to make lunch, ate lunch, and then I was off to help at my daughter's school.  After school we brought home her best friend for a play date.  I spent a few hours in the kitchen packaging meat, cereal, and crackers.  I also made a marinade for some skinless chicken legs.  For dinner we had "Shake N Bake" chicken tenders, veggies, and fiber-rich pasta with yogurt butter.  I did not have any pasta.

So far I have earned 10pp and reached 138%.  I still have to finish some laundry and make my hubby's dinner so I know I will earn even more before bed.

Tomorrow is my "second" weigh in and I hope the scale is good to me.  Even if it is not I am not going to give up, but it is so much easier to carry on when I am rewarded "Along the Weigh".

Day 14...Success!

Onto Day 15 and weigh in!

Day 13...

The scale was up 1.5 pounds this morning...what the heck happened?  I have NO Idea!  I exercised, ate well, tracked 100%, only used 2 weeklies, and drank plenty of water.  The only thing I can think of is we ate dinner too late?!?!  My husband wanted to go and get shoes after he got home from work.  Our trip made dinner late because I refused to drive-thru and instead made a healthy pp friendly home cooked meal.  Damn scale!  Oh well...I am still happy with my decision not to drive-thru and to stay within my pp!

I got in another good walk first thing in the morning, earned 11 activity pp for the day, and reached 145%!

Day 13...Success...whether the scale agrees or not!

Day 12...

This morning the scale was down another .5 pound...woo hoo!  I got in a good walk this morning and did well with my eats.  I used 2 weeklies, earned 9 activity pp, and reached 126%. 

Good, busy day!

Day 12...Success!

Day 11...

This morning I still did not feel well when I woke up.  I have to take my mom to the doctor and have a ton of things to do around the house.  I am going to try and take it easy so I feel better and can get in a good walk in tomorrow.

Saturday I weighed 229 (on my home scale).  Sunday...230...Monday...229...Today...227.50!  I have really been working hard tracking and controlling my eats (consistently) and it is paying off.  I would love to lose at least 2.4 pounds this week so I can celebrate my "first" 5 pounds lost...we'll see!

I did not earn any Activity pp for the day, but I did well with my eats and only used 8 weeklies!

Day 11...Success...

Onto Day 12...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 10...

Yesterday I only earned 1pp and reached 59%.  My son stayed home sick from school with the stomach flu.  I put my gym clothes on, took my daughter to school, ran a few errands, and by the time I was ready to walk I wasn't feeling well.  I think all of the constant go, go, go is catching up to me.  We rarely do anything fun and I think it is important to have some good to balance out the bad.  Some days I feel like I am just surviving rather than actually living!

I ate well throughout the day and tracked every bite.  When I was cooking dinner I really didn't feel well...super hot, super tired, and just worn out.  We were having hodge podge to finish up some leftovers so I mad my parents' dinner, took a quick cold shower, made my kids and husband's dinners and went and layed down.  A while later I was physically hungry but didn't want to eat so I had a small bowl of cereal.  I ended up eating 2pp under my dailies.  I will add them back to my weeklies which will give me 20 to use during the rest of the week.

We should be getting our tax refund direct deposited tomorrow.  Sadly it will all go to pay of debt, but thankfully so as well.  Last year was tough health wise and financially.  I am hoping this year will be better for both.

Day 10...Success!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Days 7, 8, 9, & Weigh In...

Day 7 ended well, I stayed within my dailies and even though I missed my walk because my daughter was sick, I earned 6pp for the day!

Day 8...I got to WW early and walked a little less than 1 mile before I weighed in and 1 full, quick mile after I weighed in to get back in time for the meeting to start.

I lost 2.8 pounds this week...and Aunt Flo is still here...woo hoo!  My scale at home showed a greater loss, but I don't care...I will take it and be proud of my efforts this week!

When I got home from WW I started laundry and took my mom to the gym to swim.  I picked up my mother-in-law at 1pm.  We ate baked fish sandwiches and baked zucchini for lunch and then got busy cooking.  We spent the cooking and finally finally finished around 11pm.  I did a ton of laundry but still have bedding to do today.  I was careful about what I was eating, how much I was tasting, I tracked everything, and I only used 16 weeklies!  I had planned only using 15 today and 15 tomorrow so I could have 5 each day for M ~ F, so going over 1 I am going to consider a success!  I also earned 14pp of activity and reached 175%!  Cardio included "mashing" beans for a full 30 minutes cranking the handle on a meat grinder...who knew that could be a good work out if you move fast enough!?!?

Day 9...This morning we woke up early.  My husband was going to a friend's to work on his truck and I had to take my mother-in-law to the Metrolink.  I had to cut up the rest of my hubby's ice cream cake to make room in the freezer for the kazillion pounds of beans we made yesterday.  I decided to have a 4pp sliver for breakfast...I took my time and enjoyed it!  Around 10am I had a banana and a small fish sandwich.  It is almost noon and I need to make a real lunch.  I am feeling good about my food choices and not feeling like I want to spend the day in the kitchen eating...woo hoo!

Off to do more laundry, pay bills, and then sit and relax with my daughter.  Yesterday was a long, busy tiring day and I think I deserve a break.

Onto make Day 9 a good one...

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 7...One day to go...

Yesterday went well.  Looking back I think I shouldn't have saved so many weeklies for a Thursday.  The scale was up this morning  from yesterday.  It could have been eating so late, eating 17 weeklies on top of my dailies, I didn't figure the pp right on something, Aunt Flo...who knows!?!?!

My hubby's surprises all went well and he was happy.  I got a blurry photo of when he first walked in the door and saw his "beer cake".  I was in the patio waiting to take his picture like a stalker.

Dinner turned out well.  I made beef Milenesa (bread beef quickly cooked in oil), purple mashed potatoes, chicken for my daughter and I, Guacamole, and veggies.  I have been so "good" all week.  Milenesa is one of my weaknesses.  It is so good and goes down so easily...too easily!  I counted pp for what I ate, but I am not sure how accurate it was because of the breading and the oil.  I also had a 1/8" inch slice of cake instead of pudding, but I figured and re figured and decided it was probably 2 or 3pp...I counted it is 3pp.  So all in all I still think I did well yesterday. 

I earned 5pp of activity for running around all day.  I will be sure to have a good day today and I am still hopeful the scale will be down tomorrow morning...Aunt Flo and all dangit!

Off to start Day 7...Prepping for the mother-in-law's shopping, cooking, laundry, picking up the house, etc...

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 6...

Yesterday I made it to 84% and earned 3pp for the day.  I have really missed my walk the past few days...only a few more days until Aunt Flo is has not been a pleasant visit this month!

I ended the day well, 100% tracking and only used 7 of my weeklies.  I still have 17 left...success...and it is Thursday...super success!

I had to add more ice cream to my husband's ice cream cake to make it look right.  I have given up on figuring the pp since the total amount is ridiculous at this point.  The cake is large so a small slice wouldn't be too bad, but I had 3 Oreos for 4pp yesterday, have spent alot of time working on the cake, and at this point I think I am over it.  I have just about decided that I will have a sugar free, fat free pudding cup and some fat free Cool Whip and feel good because I know exactly how many pp I am eating and won't have the stress of figuring out a serving size and such.  I know my husband won't mind.  His mom is coming this weekend for a cook-fest.  I told him I am not eating everything she cooks and will have some pp friendly items on hand.  He said it was fine, and I know he meant it.  He knows how badly I want to lose weight and understands that it is not easy.  I have worked really hard this week and hope Aunt Flo will not get in my way on the scale Saturday.  Since this week will mark my first weigh in I want to make it count.  I am really hoping for at least 5 pounds...we'll see!

My daughter got her new glasses last night and was so excited to wear them to school.  She wasn't feeling 100% yesterday and last night we were up 1/2 the night and she was miserable.  She is home with me today and will hopefully go back to school tomorrow.  I hate to keep her home but I think alot of her sickness is from kids whose parents send them to school sick.

Last night we made a few birthday signs and taped them in my husband's truck.  I peeked out the window and saw his smile...success!

I have to take my mom to physical therapy.  My daughter and I are going to wrap up in blankets in the car and I will read to her.  When we get home I am going to make pizza for lunch, run to the store for a few dinner items, decorate the dining room, and make my husband's Beer Can "Cake" Centerpiece. Lots to do!

Onto making Day 6 a good one!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 5...

Last night I made it to 75% and earned 2pp for the day. 

I am still not feeling well because of Aunt Flo, so I am taking another day to stay home and do stuff around the house in efforts to get in some activity but not be too miserable.

I usually have a banana and piece of string cheese as a morning snack.  This morning I tried a 2-ingredient pancake...I used 3/4 of a banana that I mashed and then mixed it into a raw scrambled egg.  I made one "pancake" using half of the mixture and scrambled the rest...the "pancake" was definitely my favorite of the two.  I used just a bit of pancake syrup on the top for the full pancake flavor.  I liked it and would make it again.  We are actually having pancakes and turkey sausage for dinner, but I will have the real thing since I have already had 2 eggs and 1 white today.  I just have to plan lunch and an afternoon snack and my eats should be good for the day.

My hubby's birthday is tomorrow.  He loves cake-less ice cream cake, but it is expensive and super high in pp so my daughter and I are going to make one ourselves.  I am going to use light cookies and cream ice cream, hot fudge, canned whipped cream, and reduced fat Oreos.  I have calculated the pp if I use the entire package of each ingredient, but I think I will only need to use the Oreos to make the crumbs for the bottom and top and then a few whole cookies for the top as decorations so that will save ALOT of pp!  My daughter and I will be the only ones who know that it is a "healthier" version and I am going to measure and track my portion accurately to be able to enjoy but still stay within my pp.

I was going to make him a fake cake with one of his gifts (a set of wrenches) inside, but I decided I will wait until next year because on the way to the grocery store this morning I had the genius idea to make him a "Beer" cake instead.  I was looking online for ideas for diaper cakes the other day and this morning thought I could mane one using full beer cans instead.  I think I can get three tiers out of a 30 pack and I will use bungee cords in place of ribbons...I also have some screwdrivers, that I got for free when I got the wrenches that I can use somehow to decorate.  I will top it with some of his favorite candy and a birthday balloon...I am so excited and bummed I didn't have the thought until after I dropped my daughter off at school...she will be excited to help me especially since her "Papi" will love it!

Tons to do today...Day 5...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 4...Rough day, but I made it through!

I wasn't feeling well when I got up this morning so I figured I would wait to take my walk until I took my mom to the gym.  I should have just gone anyway because by the time I took my mom to the gym I really wasn't feeling like walking.  Instead I spent the morning doing laundry and watching a bit of TV. 

After I got my mom from the gym I made her lunch, picked up my daughter, took my mom to get a pedicure, picked her up, picked my son up, and finally got back home around 3:30pm...sometimes I think several short trips are more tiring than one long one!

When we got home I did some more laundry and cleaned up here and there.  Dinner was lower fat turkey dogs, old fashioned Mac & Cheese, and baked breaded green beans.  We all voted the breaded zucchini is better...I think there is a more balances veggie to breading ratio. 

This afternoon while my daughter and I were home waiting for my mom to finish at the nail shop I was feeling "eaty".  I had a few small snacks, measured everything, and tracked every bite.  At dinner I figured and refigured so I could eat a bit less, still be satisfied, and not use too many of my weeklies.  I ended up using 9 weeklies for the day, which still leaves me with 24...woo hoo!  I was going to make red velvet cupcakes topped with Cool Whip for dessert, but since I didn't want to spend the pp, I opted not to.  My dad wasn't being very nice about dinner which didn't make me want to go out of my way to make a nice dessert anyway...makes me feel kinda mean, but I am tired of getting kicked around!

My daughter and I were going to go to a scrapbook show with a friend we haven't since in almost a year.  Her work schedule is kind of iffy, my mother-in-law insisted on coming to cook, my husband has to work, and I don't like yes, no, yes, no.  Therefore, we are not going.  I would have just taken my daughter even if my friend couldn't go, but since she wasn't too upset I decided it wasn't worth it.  Maybe next year, maybe this point I could care less.

In spite of it all I did well with my eats today.  I won't make it to 100% on my ActiveLink, but yesterday's walk should have been enough to allow me a rest day.

Day 4...Success...

Onto Day 5...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 3...Still going strong!

Last night I had trouble sleeping and tossed and turned all night.  Around 2am my mom was having a nightmare and screaming.  It happens from time to time and scares me half to death when it wakes me up.  I ran into to her room and woke her up in hopes that the nightmare would be done when she fell back to sleep.  Apparently she was in the middle of a bank robbery!?!?

I got up before the alarm and hopped in the shower.  I made breakfast, the kids and I got ready, and we were out the door right on time.  The house was quite warm so I did not realize it was so cold outside...36 degrees...cold...for California anyway.  I didn't let it stop me though.  I walked 6 1/2 miles...up down, up down, level, up, was a LONG walk.  I was tired right before the end but got my second wind and finished strong!  I am already past 100% and have earned 7pp and it is only 1pm...yeah!

When I got home I had a banana and a nectarine.  I made taco salad for lunch using leftovers from last night and added 2pp of cooked fibery pasta along with veggies and guacamole.  I had 4pp worth of Doritos on the side.  It was good and filling. 

After lunch I made a few calls for some parts for my husband's truck that I am going to go pick up soon.  Then I will be back to take my daughter to her first eye doctor appointment.  This is her first official eye doctor visit and she is nervous.  She has been having trouble seeing the board so I hope we can get her glasses and it will help.  I am so thankful the visit is covered 100% by our $ 45 copay...woo hoo!  We will get prices for her glasses at the doctor, Wal-Mart, and Sam's club and then decide who has the best glasses for the best price.

I am going to pack some carrots, water, and FiberOne Cereal for the road as will we be gone for a number of hours.

Today is going to be successful!  I have already planned dinner...Turkey & Bean Chili topped with freshly grated cheddar cheese and onions with some of yesterday's bread, yogurt butter, and more chocolate chip cookies for dessert.  I have already tracked the rest of my day and have plenty of weeklies if I need something extra later on.

Onto finish Day 3...

Day 2...

Sunday morning my mom's friend took her to church, my daughter was still at her friends, my son was sleeping in, and my hubby and I were up at 6am.  He was going to help out a friend and I decided to go for a walk.  The weather was perfect and I got in my normal 3 mile hilly loop.

I had a quiet breakfast before I left for my walk and planned out dinners for the week.

Shortly after I got home it was time to get my daughter and pick my mom up from church.  We stopped at the Mexican market on the way...we bought some freshly baked smokin' hot bread.  My daughter had some in the car...I did not.  I did want to as the smell was enough to float me right into the bag.  However, I remember the week before when I ate one of those heavenly rolls and then had the genius idea to weigh and point it our after to find that it was worth 14pp!  I will never eat bread again without knowing, and tracking the pp first!

Church got out later than my mom planned...almost an hour later so my daughter and I sat in the car, with the bread, and waited for her.  I chewed gum, played on my phone, talked with my daughter, and resisted the bread...woo hoo!

By the time my mom finally got out it was noon and my daughter and I were more than ready for lunch.  My mom decided to treat us and my daughter picked The Mongolian Grill.  It is close by, affordable, and delicious.  I started with a salad that was filled with veggies, 2 tbs total of kidney and garbanzo beans, and 1/2 hard boiled egg.  I skipped the bacon, seeds, croutons, and even dressing!  I added extra beets as they are wet and I didn't even miss my beloved ranch...another woo hoo!

After my salad I had 2 small bowls of Egg Flower Soup topped with green onions.  I had never tried it before and it was so tasty and filling!  I was going to have a vegetable egg roll, but opted not to because I couldn't decide how many pp it would be. 

My third course was a trip to the grill bar.  I chose two small pieces of chicken and beef, 1/4 cup low mien noodles, a ton of veggies, 1 tsp of sesame oil, some garlic water, and a bit of BBQ "sauce".  Once cooked I added a bit of low sodium soy sauce and enjoyed every guilt free bite!

For dessert I slowly enjoyed 1 fortune cookie.  By the time we were done I felt satisfied, proud of my choices, and just right...not hungry, not stuffed...another woo hoo!

My husband got home right before we did and was ready for a quiet daughter and I were too!  My son was in his room playing video games with his friends so my hubby, daughter and I took the rare opportunity to "be lazy".  We layed around and watched some funny movies.  I had a few snacks of fruit throughout the afternoon and resisted the chips that my hubby and daughter chose...hers were backed, his were not.  I stuck to my guns and enjoyed my tracked 0pp and low pp treats!

I made "Dorito" tacos for take on Taco Bell's Dorito shelled tacos.  I use thick, soft, flour tortillas quickly fried in a very little canola oil.  In the taco goes taco seasoned lean ground beef, iceberg lettuce, diced tomatoes, onions, black olives for me, and crushed Doritos.  Sometimes we add guacamole and thinned out fat free sour cream but we had no sour cream and everyone chose to eat the guacamole on the side.  I took the time to weigh and measure my dinner so I could enjoy it and track it accurately.  I am still counting all vegetables as 0pp, except for potatoes and all of their cousins.  If my mind can be satisfied and tell me I don't need 10 other foods  if I eat a reasonable amount of guacamole and I call it 0pp then I am good.  I don't want to avoid healthy foods like avocado, corn, and peas because they have pp values that I might rather spend of some other foods.  So I am going to eat them and call them 0pp until I see the need to change.  For dessert I made some homemade chocolate chip cookies with mini M & M's instead of chocolate chips.  I made a full batch of dough but only baked what we needed for dessert...everyone got 2 cookies...even me for only 5pp! 

I earned 10pp and reached 141% for the day and only used 4 of my weeklies.

** I was also down 3 pounds this morning from yesterday and I am feeling good! **

Day 2...Success!

Day 1...January 26, 2013...

I got up for WW, saw the scale, and thought long and hard about what to do next.  I am tired of working so hard to lose one week only to gain the next. 

I got up super early and got to the meeting at 6:20am so I could walk was pitch black so I sat in my car until it was lighter.  I looked through my WW weight log on my phone and decided I should have reset my weight when I rejoined in August.  Once it was light enough, I walk 1 mile, weighed in, walked another mile, sat through the meeting, and walked a 3rd mile.  When I told the receptionist I wanted to reset my weight, I got the same response as last time...."But you have lost so much".  I told her I knew that and was sure I wanted to start fresh with a clean slate!

Saturday was great.  I took the time to slow down a bit, plan my food, go through my new tracker and really sit down with the program like it was all new.  I earned 8pp and reached % on my ActiveLink, I weighed all of my food, tracked every bite, and felt satisfied with my choices, and myself, by the end of the night.

Saturday night my daughter had her first sleepover at a friend's house.  My husband and I were both missing her too much, but she had a good time, was just down the street, and her friend's parents are nice. 

Day 1...of my new 2013 Weight Loss Journey...SUCCCESS!!!

Onto Day 2...

Days 154 & Weigh In...

The day ended well...I got in some good activity, and good eats.  I thought weigh in would be too bad...from Friday to Saturday I gained 1 /2 pounds which brought me a 3 1/2 pound gain for week.

Onto a fresh start...

Friday, January 25, 2013

End of Day 153 & Start of Day 154...

Yesterday afternoon I went to my daughter's school to always makes me feel good to be around the kids and I really like her teacher too!  We got home from school and had a few reasonable snacks.  We worked on homework and watched a movie together.  I picked my son up from school, made dinner, and choked half to death on a piece of roast beef lunch meat.  After that episode I decided to just have some baked zucchini for dinner rather than my "club" salad...I wasn't too hungry anyway, so it was fine.  After dinner I helped my mom do the dishes, watched the Novela with my hubby, and went to bed by 8pm.  I had a very frustrated feeling afternoon, and I know the sleep did me some good!

This morning I woke up early but stayed in bed until the alarm went off anyway.  The scale was down another 1.5 pounds from yesterday so I have hope I won't gain at tomorrow's weigh in.  The weather was super overcast and sprinkling by the time I dropped the kids off at school.  I was determined to go for a walk anyway, especially since I missed it yesterday and stressed about it all day.  I took a good 3 mile walk...the first 2 miles it sprinkled...the last mile it poured.  By the time I got back to the car I was soaked...but feeling good that I did it. 

When I got home I made a smoothie.  At last week's WW meeting I bought a box of the salted caramel smoothie mix because it was on sale and I have never tried them.  I put it in the blender with 1 cup of fat free milk, 1 1/2 cups of baby spinach, and some ice.  I probably added to much ice so I added a bit more milk to give it a better was smooth, green, and delicious!

For lunch I am going to have another homemade pizza...I have two pieces of pre-measured dough left.  My mom might have the other.  For dinner we are having lean burgers and more baked zucchini...I think we might have some of the baked green beans as well and skip fries altogether.  I found the veggies at Wal-Mart in the freezer section...they are breaded, but since you bake them and they are not too bad pp-wise...they are a good, special side...and  veggie to boot!

I am going to pick up some more fresh fruit when my mom is at the gym so I can cut it up and put healthy choices in the front of the fridge.  I am not going to tell anyone in my family, but I am going to buy less junk that tempts cream, chips, crackers, etc...and more of the good stuff and hope no one notices.  I am sure they will...especially my parents.  Sometimes I get frustrated that they don't want me to be fat, but they never wanted to help me not be fat either.  They sent me to fat amp when I was 11...I lost 17 pounds over the summer and I was horribly homesick.  I came home so excited and ready to continue, but no one wanted to exercise with me or help me cook the healthy meals I was taught to cook at camp.  I wish I would have just done it on my own, but at age 11, there was only so much I could do on my own.  Now I am back in a similar situation where they want snacks and dessert every single day.  I don't want that for myself or my kids, but when that kind of food is in the house it is hard for us not to eat it.  I would rather have the fridge and pantry filled with good choices and then go out, once and awhile, for treats...someday...

Oh well...I have about 25 minutes until I take my mom to the gym.  When we get back I will make lunch and then I am going back to my daughter's school to help.  I need some time out of this house that is more than just going to the grocery, pharmacy, doctor, etc...

Onto making Day 154 a good one...