Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 2...

Today was a pretty good day considering plans changed about 10 times.  I finally finished my scrabook for our wedding photos...2 months shy of our 9th wedding anniversary, but nontheless FINISHED!

I got up early to ride my bike with my daughter, but when she woke up she didn't want to go.  Instead of just going myself, I changed my clothes and carried on with my day.  I regret not going, but I can't change that decision not to worry.

With all of the changing of plans I had a bit of an eaty day, but I tracked everything and still have plenty of weeklies left.

Tomorrow's plan is to either go for a 3-mile walk or take spin at the gym right after I take the kids to school.  I'm hoping my shoe doesn't hurt my foot when I put it on in the morning.

I had pre-planned tomorrow night's dinner, and even went as far as to track it.  Shortly after I was asked to make something else because we were given some homegrown tomatoes that need to be used up.  I don't mind meal requests, and fresh produce is always welcome, but the constant changing of minds and plans make me nuts!  Sometimes I feel like when I am at home I am in the car and peope are constantly telling me which exit...just as I have passed it by...  I just have to remember to be thankful for everyone and everything in my life and carry on!

On to Day 3...

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