Sunday, April 15, 2012

4 Weeklies left...

Today was a pretty good day, kinda eaty especially since we were out of the house for quite a bit which I had not planned on.  I tracked EVERYTHING and still have 4 of my weeklies left.  Yesterday I had planned to use less of my weeklies over the weekend, but the most important thing is I did not eat mindlessly and I weighed and measured everything.

Tomorrow morning I will get back to the gym to walk and take a spin class.  I have not been there in two weeks, and I am ready to get back in the groove.  I NEED to keep on track this week and lose some poundage to get past the 70's and into the 80's so I can  move onto the 90's.  Since I only have 3 weigh ins until my birthday, I know I will not hit my 100 pound goal.  I have set that goal so many times that I think I need to change my goal to a smaller number.  I will try focusing on only 5 pounds at a time and see how that goes.  With that, my current goal is to make it back to 80 pounds...76 pounds down, 4 to go.  I have not weighed less than my current weight since high school.  I believe I can reach my weight loss goals, I just have to believe I deserve to.

Four days to go until weigh in...

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