Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 54...

I started the day with an hour of Zumba...I really love it. and had forgotten how good I feel when I am at the gym, away from home, and not thinking about the bazillion worries that are constantly running through my mind.  I am going to try and switch the day I help at my daughter's school from Friday to Wednesday or Thursday so I can go to Zumba on Friday as well which would give me 4 gym days a week!

After the gym I went to the valley to pick up my mom's sewing machine.  It was lunch time and I opted for Burger King.  I had an Original Chicken Sandwich with BBQ sauce instead of mayo and a value size order of onion rings.  I took my time, ate slowly, enjoyed every bite.  I sat inside rather than driving thru and realized that I rarely eat fast food or drive thru...progress for sure!

After lunch, I headed back up the freeway.  I found some cute socks for my daughter at Kohls and found her track socks at Big 5.  I forgot to stop and get longer laces for my new tennies so I will have to do that tomorrow.  When I got home it was already time to pick up my daughter.  I still had my gym clothes and shoes on and it was cool outside so I walked.  We came home and had snack...I didn't really need to eat, but did anyway, but I tracked it and that is still my main goal.

Tonight we have track practice and I will walk with my buddy and her baby.  I have eaten many of my activity pp, but it is ok.  Again...the goal is to track 100%, not to worry about going over my pp.

So far I have earned 5 activity pp, I am sure I will get beyond 10pp by the end of the night!

Day 54...Delicious lunch, 100% tracking, and awesome activity!

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