Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day 47...

My daughter woke up with a tummy ache this morning, but decided to tough it out and go to school.  About 1/4 mile from finishing my 3 mile walk this morning, the school called.  Luckily I was walking down hill and was able to speed walk to the car without tripping and rolling down the hill into traffic.

I picked her up from school, got her cozy in the car, dropped my son off at school, and took my mom to her exercise class.  My daughter sat in the car and I read to her while we waited.  Luckily it was perfect weather and cloudy.  After her class, we dropped my mom off at church for a luncheon.  My daughter and I came home and watched TV while she quietly played with Playdoh.

I am glad I took my walk this morning and was able to reach 100% fairly early in the day since the rest of the day did not include much activity.  I have yet to put away some laundry and make dinner so I know I will earn more before the day is done.

This afternoon was a bit eaty...not too out of control...but none the less eaty.  Probably won't have much for dinner.  Hoping my current "non hungry or wanting to eat" feeling lasts.

Day 47...Success!

Onto Day 48...


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