Saturday, December 1, 2012

Short and not so sweet...

Day 90...Thanksgiving...I got up early and rode my bike 12 miles...woo hoo!  I did really well during the day and at Thanksgiving dinner...maybe a little too well because by the time we got home from dinner at my brother's. I was hungry.  I didn'y do too bad, but it was late to eat.  My son and I went to Kmart for a few Black Friday items, and that was that.  Earned 9pp and reached 157%.

Day 91...Black Friday...I shopped by myself, since my hubby had to work, from 6am to 12pm.  I was not impressed with most of the sales and walked out of quite a few stores empty handed.  I did order a few items online, but nothing too exciting this year!  One good / strange thing was that the stores were not very crowded...maybe because most of the stores opened at midnight and I wasn't there until later...oh well...short lines, good for me!  My eats were kind of all over the place and I did not track.  Earned 2pp and reached 86%.

Day 92...Trauma, shock, and weigh in!  I woke up to my husband's alarm at 4am...then again at 4:30am.  Around 4:15am, my husband thought he heard our dog scratching on our son's bedroom door.  I went to check and they were noth fine.  I noticed that my dad's bedroom lights were on...usually he is in bed by 1am so I was surprised to see lights.

I knocked on the door, he responded grumbly so I tried to open the door but couldn't.  I went through the bathroom and found him on the floor parallel to the door with a huge puddle of blood under his head.  There was also blood all over his room...on the floor, on walls, the dressers, the chairs, every surface on the side of the room that did not have his bed.  It looked like a murder scene and I could hardly believe what I was seeing.  I went to my dad and tried to explain where he was and that he needed to be still.  My husband brought the phone, I called 911, I held a towel on his head, and the paramedics, firemen, and ambulance came...even though they came quickly it seemed like forever.  I was shaking, my teeth were chattering uncontrolably...maybe signs of shock?

I thought he had had another stroke, but he was responsive.  My husband had to go to work, my mom stayed with the kids, and I followed the ambulance to the ER.  After we had been there awhile and they had done some tests, they determined he had not had a stroke, but that his blood alcohol level was 248.  He used to drink whiskey by the gallon, but since my mom does not drive, I do not buy it for him or take him to the store to buy it.  He does drink a few beers each night because it is not worth the fight.  He told the ER doctor that he had found some whiskey but didn't know where it came from.  We think he must have hidden it back in May or June and just ran into it when he was looking for something.  My sadness and fear turned to anger pretty quickly.  He got 4 staples in his head and they told me he was going to be admitted to the hospital.  I stayed for a few hours, he was not being nice to me, so I left.  I went to my WW meeting on the way home.  No shower, no makeup, no weigh in book, no weigh in clothes...just me.  I was up 3.6 pounds.  I know some of it was due to the water I drank at the ER, not getting enough sleep, and eating random snacks and meals, and to many of the leftovers from my son's birthday party.  I was glad I went to the is a happy and safe place for me to be, even when I gain.

My mom had cleaned up most of the mess by the time I got home.  I couldn't go into his room for most of the day.  When my husband came home from work we both finished cleaning.  We filled an entire trash barrel with all of the items that had just wasn't worth trying to clean them.  My dad will be mad when he gets home, but everything we threw out can be replaced.  He should be thankful my husband heard him and that I went to check because normally we do not go in his room until 9am to wake him up for his then he would have bleed to death.  Sadly he is not thankful.

Day 92...3am...received a call from the hospital.  My dad had fallen out of bed face first and they had to do another CT Scan.  The scan was fine, but he cut the bridge of his nose, above his eye, and his whole face was bruised.  When we went to visit my mom got upset and had to cry.  He acted like nothing happened and that is hurtful to her.  They put him in a room closer to the nurse's station and gave him and his roommate a "sitter' to be there around the clock...good idea!

Day 93...Got a call from the hospital...had to authorize them to give him 2 units of blood.  Went to visit...still not fazed...remembered a bit of what happened, but didn't seem too concerned.  Thought he would go home...not yet.

Day 94...Another visit...just like the others...frustrating for me, sad for my mom.

Day 95...Same as Day 94.

Day 96...Same as Day 95.

Day 97...Didn't visit because he was going to be transferred to a skilled ursing facility about 20 miles away from our home.  There were many calls back and forth and finally I gave up on trying to decided when a good time to visit would be.  He finally got transferred and settles in at 8pm.  I called several times throughout the day...all I could do.

Day 98...Another scare...My mom and I went to visit at the new facility.  While I signed paperwork, my dad told my mom that the two of them had stayed at that facility when they moved to California 30 years ago...this is not true, not sure where it came from.  He was there, by himself, after his stroke in January this year.  Even then, he was talking about the "last time" he was there, but that was his first stay there.  After our visit we stopped at McDonald's for a late quick, lunch before we had to get my daughter from school.  I had a small cheeseburger, diet coke, a few fries, and 1/2 of a chocolate chip cookie.  I did eat the other half later in the day, but I did well. 

Later in the afternoon I took my mom to the doctor to get her hand checked.  She has arthritis throughout her body and her fingers swelled and her hand hurt to grip things.  She didn't want to go, but her insurance covers office visits 100% and I don't like her to be in pain.  The doctor told us it was an arthritic flareup and we are to use Aleve, Tylonol, and soak her hand in warm water with Epsom salt.  After the appt I had to get some medical records for my dad.  When we were leaving, my mom went to get up from the chair and it slid back, and she fell on the floor.  I was so scared that she broke something or really hurt herself.  Tears came instantly, and so did medical staff.  They took her blood pressure, got her up, and took several x-rays.  It was the end of the day at closing so I am thankful they took the time to take care of her.  She did not break anything, thankfully and is to use ice and the medications directed for her hand. 

Day 99...Weigh in...This morning my mom woke up in a little pain, but not too much.  I got up early and went to my Weight Watcher meeting.  Even though it was sprinkling a bit, I parked a ways away and walked.  I have actually walked every single morning this helps me clear my mind, gives me time to enjoy the colorful fall leaves, and helps work off my extra eats.  I did not track all week, but did not go too crazy either.  I was down 1.4 pounds.  Even though I did not lose what I gained last week, I am thankful I lost.  I have got to find happiness where I can and give myself a break once and a while.

My husband is home today so we are going to put up the Christmas lights.  I also have a ton of stuff to do...visit my dad, do laundry, crafting with my daughter for her teachers' holiday gifts, plan this week's menu, take my mom to get her nails done (got to find things that make her feel good), and the list goes on.  I did get in a good walk this morning and have already reached 55%.  I am sure I will make it to 100% today since it is only 11am.

I am still not where I want to be in my weight loss journey, but I think I have done pretty well thus far with all of the changes and my life seeming to get turned upside down every other day.

No giving up...

Onto Day 100... 

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